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The status of sports and activities

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  2. The status of sports and activities

IMPORTANT NOTE: The rules on sport and exercise at the current time will depend on the alert level in Wales. For the latest guidance on sport and physical activity in Wales, please check our page on the latest guidance on taking part in sport and exercise in Wales. 


The status of sports and activities

The Welsh Government guidance on returning to sport emphasises NGBs (National Governing Bodies) as key decision makers. NGBs should determine when and how sport and activities can restart safely, in line with the latest Welsh Government guidelines.

This means that all organised sport and activities must comply with the relevant NGB guidelines


Updates and guidance from NGBs

Below we have provided links to where you can find out the latest updates and guidance.

Note: If you are an NGB and you are not listed below, please [javascript protected email address] to help us gather the latest information on your sport or activity. 


American Football - British American Football Association

Athletics - Welsh Athletics

Badminton - Badminton Wales

Basketball - Basketball Wales

Boating - Royal Yachting Association Cymru Wales

Bowls - Bowls Wales

Boxing - Welsh Boxing 

Canoeing - Canoe Wales

Cricket - Cricket Wales

Fencing - British Fencing

Football - Football Association of Wales (FAW) 

Golf - Wales Golf

Gymnastics - Welsh Gymnastics 

Hockey - Hockey Wales

Judo - Welsh Judo

Netball - Welsh Netball 

Pétanque - Welsh Petanque Association 

Rugby - Welsh Rugby Union (WRU) 

Snow sport - snowsport wales

Squash - Squash Wales 

Swimming  - Swim Wales 

Target Shooting - Welsh Target Shooting Federation

Tennis - LTA 

Triathlon - Welsh Triathlon

Tug of War - Welsh Tug of War Association

Ultimate - UK Ultimate

Weightlifting - Weightlifting Wales