The National Council of Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) defines ‘Micro Volunteering’ as “bite-size volunteering with no commitment to repeat and with minimum…
Research suggests that around a million people are considering volunteering in sport.
Savanta interviewed 1,094 respondents aged 16+ online between 26th - 30th April 2024.
Volunteers – every sports club needs them. However, finding these volunteers and recruiting them for your club can seem daunting at first. Read the below…
Savanta interviewed 1,027 respondents aged 16+ online between 27th October - 31st October 2023.
Volunteers are the backbone of grassroots sport. They give up their free time to foster community spirit, share wisdom, and make sports clubs possible. However,…
So, you fancy volunteering for a local sports club? That’s fantastic news. There are clubs just waiting to welcome you (and the extra pair of hands!)Maybe…
Savanta interviewed 1,035 respondents aged 16+ online between 6th January and 9th January 2023.
Savanta interviewed 1,016 respondents aged 16+ online between 26th - 31st January 2024.
inc. major events and the General Election
VolunteeringJust under over in six (17%) respondents are currently volunteering in sport and physical activity, the highest figure observed across all…
An adapted cycling club in Conwy for people with disabilities run entirely by volunteers is encouraging others to consider volunteering in sport.The Conwy…
The fourth survey of sport and physical activity in Wales during the pandemic.
Socioeconomic Factsheet
InsuranceInsurance is extremely important for all sports clubs. This doesn’t just refer to insurance for individual coaches. The club must be insured…
Welcome to Young Sports VolunteersYoung sports volunteers across Wales are the next generation of sporting champions and make a huge contribution to school…
Savanta interviewed 1,049 respondents aged 16+ online between 21st April and 24th April 2023.
Savanta interviewed 1,063 respondents aged 16+ online between 27th July - 31st July 2023.
Summary Sheet
The ten year anniversary of the Young Ambassadors programme in Wales will be marked at a special event next week organised by Sport Wales and children's…
ColegauCymru are an education charity which promotes the public benefit of further education in Wales. They believe that all learners have the right to…
Sports Leaders UK (SLUK) provide high impact, cost effective leadership awards and qualifications to over 100000 young people every year. Over nearly…
Gender Factsheet
Ideally, volunteering should only cost someone their time. But occasionally volunteers might need to pay for ‘out of pocket’ expenses.Sports organisations…
We all like a thank you from time to time. And the people in our club are no different. We’ve all got other commitments so it is important we show our…
Charlotte helps to make sport accessible in the local community and on a national level.
The final stage of an SROI analysis is to calculate the SROI ratio. Table 6.1 summarises the calculation. Total inputs are £1.35bn, of which households…
VolunteeringOne in six (16%) respondents are currently volunteering in sport and physical activity, which remains steady from Oct 24 (17%).Current volunteers…
We are committed to unleashing the benefits of sport to everyone. That’s why, in 2015, we decided to gather the sporting views of Further Education students…
Overleigh Equestrian Centre near Wrexham provides horse riding lessons, Pony Club and volunteering opportunities for children, young people and adults.…
Present: Lawrence Conway (Chair), Pippa Britton (Vice Chair), Ashok Ahir (Items 5.3 to 11), Ian Bancroft, Dafydd Trystan Davies, Delyth Evans, Nicola…
Find out what the implications of our third wave of Welsh Activity Tracker research is on returning to sport post-lockdownAbout this eventTim Evans, one…
A charity passionate about building a brighter future for young people through sport.
Disability Factsheet
Age Factsheet
Present: Pippa Britton (Vice Chair), Ashok Ahir, Ian Bancroft, Rajma Begum, Delyth Evans, Nicola Mead-Batten, Hannah Murphy, Leigh Robinson, Judi Rhys,…
Urdd Gobaith Cymru are currently celebrating their 100th anniversary in style by working with their partners to promote events such as the National Schools…
Find out what the implications of our latest round of ComRes research are for sport in 2022
Most clubs wouldn’t function without their volunteers. So it’s a really good idea to make sure your volunteers are valued, developed and supported. …
A Youth Representative is a crucial role for any club. It means that the Club Committee gain genuine feedback from a young perspective and from its junior…
Sometimes things go wrong with volunteers. Perhaps they are not reliable or maybe they don’t seem to fit in with those around them. In reality, the issue…
Once you have recruited new volunteers, you need to train and support them. And a good induction is a great way to kick things off. It ensures volunteers…
Below you’ll find links to organisations that offer guidance, information and services which may be useful. ACASCACASC is a Community Interest Company…
For ColegauCymru, the challenge is to ensure students and staff in colleges across Wales have sufficient opportunity to be active.
This week, the sport sector is paying tribute to Wales’ sport volunteers – without whom, many opportunities to participate in physical activity would…
Olympian Steve Brace believes volunteers are the bedrock for everything Run 4 Wales achieves.
This year, 116,038 pupils from 1,000 schools in Wales took part in the 2022 Sport Wales School Sport Survey. This document shares the data by use of Welsh…
This year, 116,038 pupils from 1,000 schools in Wales took part in the 2022 Sport Wales School Sport Survey. This document shares the data by Ethnic Background,…
This year, 116,038 pupils from 1,000 schools in Wales took part in the 2022 Sport Wales School Sport Survey. This document shares the data by gender,…
January 2023
Present: Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson (Chair), Ian Bancroft, Rajma Begum, Pippa Britton (Vice Chair), Dafydd Trystan Davies, Delyth Evans, Nicola Mead-Batten,…
Participants often cited competing priorities and interests as a [possible] barrier to both the staying within and progression along a recognised sporting…
Disagreeable ExperiencesConsiderationHow open minded are you about the delivery method?Do you have insight regarding what type of activity and experiences…
Appendix 1. Table of the themes, sub-themes and codes to participation and progression along the recognised sporting pathway.ThemeSubthemeCodeCompeting…
Volunteers play a vital role in sport, from grassroots clubs to elite athletes.
Behaviour: Over half of the schools recorded a positive impact on pupil behaviour in school as an educational impact, with some improvements in attendance…
This objective explored the impact of a school becoming an active education setting on: i) the Vision for Sport and Sport Wales Strategy; ii) physical…
The third objective was to understand what can ensure that the active education approach becomes sustainable and embedded into school development plans.…
The Sports Governance Academy is the governance support hub for the sport and physical activity sector in the UK.
There are many different reasons why some young people are not engaging with current sporting offers.
Need some creative rewards for your sports crowdfunder? This is how Holyhead Rugby Club hit their target.
Here’s our step-by-step guide for how to apply and start fundraising.
The latest Social Return on Investment Study of Sport in Wales has found that for every £1 invested in sport here, there is a £4.44 return.
This study uses a Social Return on Investment (SROI) framework to measure the social impact of sport and active recreation in Wales in 2021/22. SROI…
It is essential that those involved in sport and physical activities understand that all concerns need to be challenged as soon as possible.
Meeting of the Sport Wales Board on Friday 24th November 2023