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2. Method and Research Approach

  1. To scope the current provision and participation in sport and physical activity of Welsh speaking participants and families living in rural communities in west, mid and north Wales 
  2. To identify any un-met needs for sport and physical activity in Welsh speaking participants and families living in rural communities in west, mid and north Wales.
  3. To identify the importance of language on sport and physical activity participation and non-participation in Welsh speaking participants and families living in rural communities in west, mid and north Wales.
  4. To identify barriers to participation in sport and physical activity in Welsh speaking participants and families living in rural communities in west, mid and north Wales.

A two-phase mixed methods approach was developed to generate data for the research. Informed by the literature on physical activity, health and language a broad ranging questionnaire was developed, translated, piloted and shared with Sport Wales officers in Phase 1. The questionnaire was distributed in both languages by Sport Wales to the three areas of mid, west and north Wales designated by the original commission[1].

The questionnaire sought to gain insight into the types of sport and physical activity Welsh speaking participants and families living in rural communities are involved in, the importance of the Welsh language to participation, and perceived barriers to physical activity and sport participation. 

In total (including responses from South Wales) 422 questionnaires were returned of which 52 were completed in Welsh and 370 were completed in English. Inclusion/Exclusion[2] criteria were applied to include only those responses acknowledging some level of Welsh language ability (378 responses). The biggest response rate was from West Wales (47%), followed by mid Wales (28%), North Wales (16%) and South Wales (9%) (Figure 3). 

Phase 2 involved follow up telephone/online interviews with 10 individuals out of the 87 who agreed to be involved from Phase 1. In selecting participants for Phase 2 we were sensitive to proportionately reflect the demographic breakdown (Welsh language competence, region, age, gender) of responses received in the questionnaire returns for Phase 1. A total of 49 (56%) of the 87 were emailed and of these 10 (20%) agreed to take part in an interview. Phase 2 interviewees broadly reflected the responses from phase 1 and were broken down as follows: 5 from west Wales, 2 from mid Wales and 3 from North Wales[3]. Welsh language competence was reflected in there being 6 Welsh fluent speakers and 4 Welsh learners. In total 8 females and 2 males were interviewed with ages ranging from 24 to 75.Table 1 provides a breakdown of interviewee demographic.

[1]Responses were received from participants and families in the rural communities of West, Mid and North Wales who were Welsh learners as well as responses from English only speakers in these regions. In addition, responses in both languages were received from rural communities in South Wales. All responses inform the findings, analysis and recommendations in this report based on the rural nature of respondents’ communities, subject to point 2 below.

[2]Inclusion/Exclusion criteria: Findings are presented to reflect 90% (378) of respondents who live in rural communities in Wales and have some Welsh language ability ranging from fluent/1st language and 2nd language/Welsh learner, to ‘speak a little/say a few words’ in Welsh) (Figure 6). The 10% of respondents to the questionnaire who do not speak any Welsh were not included in the report.

[3] No response was received from anyone in South Wales even though all Phase 1 participants were contacted.