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6. Sport Specific Data

Overall, the most common activity adults reported participating in was ‘Walking (over 2 miles)’; 41% of adults said they had participated in this activity at least once during the previous four weeks, equating to 1,050,000 adults.

Graph 13: Top Three Participation Activities, by Broad Groups.

Graph with 9 horizontal bars, split into 3 categories.   The categories are Fitness Activities, Sports and Games, and Outdoor Pursuits.   For the Fitness Activities category, the largest bar shows 1,050,000 adults walked more than two miles during the last four weeks, followed by 398,000 adults who worked out or exercised at home, and finally, 315,000 adults who went to the gym.   For the Sports and Games category, the largest bar shows 293,000 adults participated in athletics, running or jogging last four weeks, followed by 94,000 adults who played pool, and finally, 87,000 adults who played football.  For the Outdoor Pursuits category, the largest bar shows 28,000 adults canoed or kayaked during the last four weeks, followed by 26,000 adults who went fishing or angling, and finally, 24,000 adults who went climbing or mountaineering.


Graph 13 illustrates the three activities within each broad groups that had the highest number of adults participating during the previous four weeks.

Within fitness activities, the most common activity undertaken was Walking (over 2 miles), with 1,050,000 adults having participated during the previous four weeks. Following this, 398,000 adults reported that they had worked out or exercised at home, and 315,000 adults reported had gone to the gym to do cardio, weights, or other strength training (not for fitness classes).

Within Games and Sports, the combined category of ‘Athletics, Running and/or Jogging’³⁰ was the most common activity adults reported participating in; 293,000 adults had participated at least once during the previous four weeks. Following this, 94,000 adults had played Pool in the previous four weeks, whereas 87,000 adults had participated in Football.

Within the Outdoor Pursuits category, the activity of Canoeing and/or Kayaking was the most common; 28,000 adults participated at least once during the previous four weeks in this type of activity. Following this, 26,000 adults participated in Fishing and/or Angling, and 24,000 adults participated in ‘Climbing / Mountaineering’.

³⁰ Note: ‘Running or Jogging’ is typically categorised as a ‘Fitness Activity’, however has been grouped with ‘Athletics’ for investment purposes, and therefore has been counted in the ‘Sports and Games’ category here.


Graph 14: Top Three Activities Adults Have Demand for, by Broad Groups.

Graph with 9 horizontal bars, split into 3 categories.   The categories are Fitness Activities, Sports and Games, and Outdoor Pursuits.   For the Fitness Activities category, the largest bar shows 172,000 adults had a demand for swimming, followed by 78,000 adults who had a demand for fitness classes, and finally, 65,000 adults who had a demand for cycling.   For the Sports and Games category, the largest bar shows 46,000 adults had a demand for Football, followed by 35,000 adults who had a demand for golf, and finally, 33,000 adults who had a demand for athletics, running or jogging.   For the Outdoor Pursuits category, the largest bar shows 29,000 adults had a demand for horse riding, followed by 20,000 adults who had a demand for climbing or mountaineering, and finally, 19,000 adults who had a demand for Canoeing or kayaking.


Graph 14 illustrates the top three activities adults wanted to do more of, within each broad groups.

Within Fitness Activities, the most common activity adults reported a demand for was Swimming, with 172,000 adults saying they wanted to do more. Demand for swimming fell by around 62,000 people between 2021-22, however this was somewhat counter balanced by participation numbers increasing by 60,000 people during the same period. Following this, 78,000 adults said they wanted to participate in more Fitness Classes, and 65,000 adults said they wanted to participate in more Cycling.

Within Sports and Games, the most common activity adults reported a demand for was Football, with 46,000 adults saying they wanted to do more. Following this, 35,000 adults said they wanted to participate in more Golf, and 33,000 adults said they wanted to participate in more Athletics and/or Running or Jogging³¹.

Within Outdoor Pursuits, the most common activity adults reported a demand for was Horse Riding with 29,000 adults saying they wanted to do more. Following this, 20,000 adults said they wanted to participate in more Climbing or Mountaineering, and 19,000 adults said they wanted to do more Canoeing or Kayaking.

Compared to 2021-22, the top three most in demand Fitness Activities have remained consistent, however the proportion of adults with demand for these activities has declined. This is also true for the most in demand Sports and Games activities. However, Horse Riding is now the most in demand activity for Outdoor Pursuits, as the number of adults with demand has increased by 9,000 adults since 2021-22.

³¹ Note: ‘Running or Jogging’ is typically categorised as a ‘Fitness Activity’, however has been grouped with ‘Athletics’ for investment purposes, and therefore has been counted in the ‘Sports and Games’ category here.