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2. Active Nation

The vision is to create an active nation, with as many people as possible inspired to be active through sport.

This section explores overall participation and frequency of participation in sport and physical activity amongst adults in Wales. These figures allow us to explore progress toward The Vision for Sport in Wales.

2.1 National Participation

The population of Wales is approximately 3.1 million people, of whom 2.5 million are adults 16+ years)¹.

Across the 2.5 million adults in Wales, 1,528,000 participated in at least one sport or physical activity during the previous four weeks, representing 60% of all adults. In turn, approximately 123,000 more adults participated in sport related activities in 2022-23 compared to 2021-22 (56% in 2021-22).

Sports and physical activities can be categorised into broad groups. This report categorises participation behaviours into three broad groups²: ‘Fitness Activities’, ‘Sports and Games’ and ‘Outdoor Pursuits’.

56% (1,430,000) of adults participated in a ‘Fitness Activity’, 16% (412,000) of adults participated in ‘Sports and Games’, and 6% (148,000) of adults participated in ‘Outdoor Pursuits’ during the previous four weeks.

A greater proportion of adults participated in ‘Fitness Activities’ and ‘Sports and Games’ in 2022-23 compared to 2021-22, whereas the proportion of adults who participated in ‘Outdoor Pursuits’ remained similar.

2.2 National Frequency of Participation

39% of adults participated in a sport and/or physical activity three or more times per week³ during the previous four weeks. This equates to roughly 986,000 adults.

Conversely, 44% of adults participated in sport and/or physical activity less than once per week, or not at all, during the previous four weeks (Graph 1). This is equivalent to 1,120,000 adults.

1Population and Household Estimates in Wales: Census 2021.

2 Appendix 7.1 provides detail of the types of activities categorised into the broad groups. Note: adults could report activity in multiple broad groups.

3 Future Generations Indicator No. 38.


Graph 1: National Frequency of Adult Participation in All Sport and / or Physical Activity, Comparison Over Time.

Graph with eight vertical bars, split into four categories.   The categories represent the average number of times adults participate in sport and activity each week.  The categories are three or more times per week, twice per week, once per week, and less than once per week.   Within each category, there are two bars. One bar represents data from the previous survey year of 2021-2022, and the second bar represents data from the current survey year, 2022-2023.   For participation three or more times per week, the first bar represents data from 2021-22, showing 34 percent of adults participated in sport and activity this often. The second bar in this category represents data from 2022-23, showing 39 percent of adults currently participate in sport and activity this often.   This shows a 5-percentage point incline in the proportion of adults participating in sport and activity Three or more times per week this year compared to last.   For participation twice per week, the first and second bar both show that 8 percent of adults participate in sport and activity this often.   For participation once per week, the first and second bar both show that 9 percent of adults participate this frequently.   This shows that the proportion of adults participating once and twice per week has remained consistent between survey years.   Finally, for participation less than once per week, the first bar represents data from 2021-22, showing 50 percent of adults participated in sport and activity less than once per week. The second bar in this category represents data from 2022-23, showing 44 percent of adults currently participate in sport and activity less than once per week.   This shows a 6-percentage point decline in the proportion of adults participating in sport and activity less than once per week between survey years.


Graph 1 illustrates the average number of times adults in Wales participated in sport and activity each week in 2021-22 and 2022-23.

A higher proportion of adults participated in sport and/or physical activity three or more times per week in 2022-23 compared to 2021-22, whilst the proportion of people participating once or twice per week remained similar. Conversely, a lower proportion of adults participated in sport and/or physical activity less than once per week in 2022-23 compared to 2021-22.


Graph 2: Frequency of Adult Participation, by Broad Activity Type in 2022-23.

Graph with 12 vertical bars, split into four categories. The categories represent the average number of times adults participate in sport and activity each week. The categories are Three or more times per week, twice per week, once per week, and less than once per week.  Within each category, there are three bars. Each bar represents a different type of activity. The types are Fitness Activities, Sports and Games, and Outdoor Pursuits.   For participation three or more times per week, the tallest bar represents Fitness Activities, with 36 percent of adults participating in this type of activity this often each week.   Additionally for participation three or more times per week, 3 percent of adults are shown to participate in Sports and Games, and 1 percent of adults are shown to participate in Outdoor Pursuits this often each week.   For participation twice per week, 8 percent of adults are shown to participate in Fitness Activities, followed by 3 percent of adults shown to participate in Sports and Games, and 1 percent of adults to participate in Outdoor pursuits this often each week.   Similarly, for participation once per week, 8 percent of adults are shown to participate in Fitness Activities, followed by 5 percent of adults shown to participate in Sports and Games, and 1 percent of adults to participate in Outdoor pursuits this often each week.  For participation less than once per week, the tallest bar represents participation in Outdoor pursuits, with 98 percent of adults participating in this type of activity this often.   Additionally for participation less than once per week, 89 percent of adults participated in Sports and Games this often, and 48 percent of adults participated in Fitness Activities this often.   When combining participation categories of once, twice and three or more times per week to produce a new category of participation once a week or more, 52 percent of adults are shown to participate in Fitness Activities at least weekly, followed by 11 percent of adults participating in Sports and Games, and 2 percent of adults participating in Outdoor pursuits, weekly.


Graph 2 illustrates adults’ average frequency of participation per week by each broad activity type⁴.

A higher proportion of adults participated in ‘Fitness Activities’ three or more times per week compared to ‘Sports and Games’ or ‘Outdoor Pursuits’. Further, adults were more likely to participate in ‘Fitness Activities’ at least once per week (52%), compared with ‘Sports and Games’ (11%) and ‘Outdoor Pursuits’ (2%)

Conversely, adults who participated in ‘Sports and Games’ or ‘Outdoor Pursuits’ were more likely to participate in these types of activities less than once per week.

These findings illustrate the role that 'Fitness Activities' play in keeping adults regularly active.


4 Appendix 7.1 provides detail of the types of activities categorised into the broad groups.