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National Survey for Wales 2022-23

View the report in Cymraeg here.

The National Survey for Wales is a large-scale, random sample household survey of adults (ages 16-years and above) across Wales. This survey is implemented by Welsh Government on behalf of public bodies in Wales.

For more information on methodology, please refer to the Introduction.

About the National Survey for Wales

The National Survey for Wales (NSW) is a nationally representative household survey targeted at adults (ages 16 and over). 

The NSW involves around 12,000 people each year and covers a wide range of topics. It runs all year round, across the whole of Wales. The results are used by the Welsh Government to help make Wales a better place to live. 

The National Survey for Wales contains a Sport and Active Lifestyles section.  The headline findings from the 2022-23 survey were released on July 11th 2023 as Official Statistics. 

Headline Findings

The headline findings from the Sport and Active Lifestyles section of the 2022-23 survey are:


Headline Findings


  • 60% of adults in Wales participated in sport and physical activity (at least once during the last four weeks).
  • 39% of adults in Wales participated in sport and physical activity three or more times per week (Future Generations Indicator No. 38).
  • More adults said they participated in ‘Fitness Activities’ (56%), compared to ‘Sports and Games’ (16%) and Outdoor Pursuits (6%). (Note: Adults could report participation for multiple activities).
  • Adults were most likely to participate in ‘Fitness Activities’ weekly; 52% of adults participated in this kind of activity at least once per week, whilst 11% of adults participated in ‘Sports and Games’, and 2% of adults participated in ‘Outdoor Pursuits’ at least once per week.
  • Adults were most likely to participate in 'Fitness Activities' multiple times per week; 36% of adults who participated in this kind of activity participated three or more times per week. Comparatively, 3% of those participating in 'Sports and Games', and 1% of those participating in 'Outdoor Pursuits' participated in these types of activity three or more times per week.


  • Overall, 27% of all adults said they wanted to participate in more sport and/or physical activity.
  • ‘Fitness Activities’ were more in demand than ‘Sport and Games’ and ‘Outdoor Pursuits’; 16% of adults said they wanted to do more ‘Fitness Activities’, compared to 10% of adults reporting a demand for ‘Sport and Games’, and 5% for Outdoor Pursuits. (Note - adults could report demand for multiple activities).
  • Of those who have a demand for more sport and/or physical activity, 49% already participate three or more times per week.
  • 18% of adults who do not already participate in sport or physical activity said they would like to participate in at least one sport or physical activity. This represents 183,000 people and equates to 7% of the total adult population in Wales.


39% of people say they participate in sporting activities three or more times per week.

The number of people who say they participate in sporting activities three or more times per week increased from 34% in 2021-22 to 39% in 2022-23. 

We asked people which activities they take part in. 

  • 56% of people say they participate in fitness activities (such as fitness classes, running/jogging, cycling, or swimming) and 16% participate in sports or games (such as football, rugby, table tennis or golf). 6% participate in outdoor pursuits like kayaking or sailing.


People were also asked whether there were any sports or activities they would like to do, or to do more of. 

  • 27% say they want to do more sport or physical activity in general, a decrease from 31% in 2021-22.
  • In 2022-23, 16% say they want to do more fitness activities and 10% want to do more sports or games, and 5% would like to do more outdoor pursuits.  This decline in overall demand appears to be mainly due to the decrease in people wanting to do more fitness activities, as this was 20% in 2021-22.
  • 26% of all people participate in sporting activities three or more times a week and say they are content with that amount, while 13% of people participate three or more times a week and would like to do more.  14% of people participate less often than three times per week and would also like to do more sporting activities.
The Vision for sport logo

The Vision for Sport in Wales

This report is structured around the Vision for Sport in Wales. The Vision is the platform for cross sector engagement in sport and physical activity, and seeks to transform Wales into an active nation, where everyone can have a lifelong enjoyment of sport and physical activity. 

The Vison was co-produced with a wide range of stakeholders and represents the voice of the people of Wales. A collaborative, effort in working towards The Vision will:

  • Improve population health and wellbeing
  • Provide the people of Wales with the skills to reach their potential
  • Support communities to flourish
  • Create opportunities for everyone to join in
  • Promote Wales to the world through our sporting approach


Classification of ‘Fitness Activity’, ‘Sport and Games’, and ‘Outdoor Pursuits’:

Broad Group Sub Category 
Fitness ActivityWorked out at home / online
Fitness Class (in-person
Gym-based Exercise (e.g. cardio, weights)
Dance Classes
Cycling (e.g. mountain biking, BMX, other outdoor or track cycling)
Jogging or Running
Games and Sports Team Sports 
Racket Sports 
Indoor Games 
Bowling or Bowls 
Combat Sports or Martial Arts 
Shooting or archery 
Triathlon, duathlon or other multisport
Outdoor Pursuits Mountain sports (e.g. climbing or skiing)
Fishing or angling
Horse riding
Skating or skateboarding 
Watersport (e.g. kayaking, surfing, sailing)