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2. Active Nation

The vision is to create an active nation with as many people as possible inspired to be active through sport. 

This section explores overall participation and frequency of participation in sport and physical activity amongst adults in Wales. These figures allow us to explore progress toward The Vision for Sport in Wales. 

2.1 National Participation 

Across the 2.5 million adults in Wales, 1,405,000 participated in at least one sport or physical activity during the previous four weeks, representing 56% of all adults. 

This report categorises sport and physical activity into ‘Fitness Activities’, ‘Sports and Games’ and ‘Outdoor Pursuits’. Amongst adults, 51% (1,295,000 people) participated in at least one ‘Fitness Activity’, 14% (343,000 people) participated in at least one ‘Sports and Games’, and 6% (145,000 people) participated in at least one ‘Outdoor Pursuits’ during the previous four weeks. 

2.2 National Frequency of Participation 

34% of adults participated in a sport and/or physical activity three or more times per week during the previous four weeks (Future Generations Indicator No. 38).

Conversely, 50% of adults participated in sport or physical activity less than once per week, or not at all, during the previous four weeks (Graph 1). 

Graph with four vertical bars. The highest bar at 50 per cent, indicating a participation frequency of less than one time a week. The other three bars at 8% ,9% and 34%, representing 1 time a week, 2 times a week, and three or more times a week respectively. 


Graph 2: Frequency of Adult Participation by Activity Type. 

Graph split in four categories.   Each category represents a frequency of participation.   These are less than one time a week, one time a week, two times a week, and three or more time a week.     There are three vertical bars in each category.  The bars represent Fitness Activity, Sports and Games, and Outdoor pursuits.       The highest bar for fitness activity, at 59 per cent, is indicating a participation frequency of three or more times a week.   The highest bar for sports and games, at 35 per cent, is indicating a participation frequency of less than one time a week.   The highest bar for Outdoor Pursuits, at 61 per cent, is indicating a participation frequency of less than one time a week.