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Social Return on Investment - Value Map

The Value Map is central to an SROI analysis.  It is also known as a 'theory of change' or logic model and is the framework used to build the SROI model.  The research team synthesised the stakeholder engagements discussed in the previous chapter, together with evidence provided by stakeholders to produce a map of the inputs, outputs and outcomes arising from engagement in sport in Wales.  Figure 4.1 summarises the Value Map for Wales.  

The Value Map presented in Figure 4.1 is an inclusive summary of all the outcomes identified by the stakeholders, third party research and published grey literature, including the previous SROI study for Wales.  The quality of evidence for the different outcomes and domains varies considerably.  As the intended audience for this study includes Welsh Government, a high level of rigor was required. Therefore, the scope of the SROI study was narrowed to include only those outcomes that could be robustly evidenced.  This is consistent with the practice of most other population-level SROI studies.

In total, 15 outcomes were monetised in the SROI across four domains, including ten health outcomes, two outcomes related to subjective wellbeing and social capital and one outcome relating to the non-market benefits gained by organisations utilising sports volunteers.  The outcomes included in the Wales SROI are presented in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1.  Outcomes included in the SROI sport model for Wales

DomainOutcomePopulation group
HealthReduced risk of CHDAll participants 16 +
Reduced risk of strokeAll participants 16 +
Reduced risk of Type 2 diabetesAll participants 16 +
Reduced risk of breast cancerFemale participants 16 +
Reduced risk of colon cancerAll participants 16 +
Reduced risk of hip fractureAll participants 16 +
Reduced risk of back painAll participants 16 +
Reduced risk of depressionAll participants 16 +
Reduced risk of dementiaAll participants 16 +
Reduced risk of injuryAll participants 16 +
Subjective wellbeingImproved life satisfaction All participants 16 +
Improved life satisfaction Volunteers in sports clubs (16+)
Social CapitalImproved social capital (community networks, connections, and trust)All participants 16 +
Improved social capital (community networks, connections, and trust)Volunteers in sports clubs (16+)
OtherBenefits for sports organisations utilising volunteersAll volunteers (16+)

Figure 4.1: Value Map of sport in Wales

Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3
Who and how many?What do they invest?Summary of activitiesWhat changes? 

Public sector

-Welsh Government 

-Sport Wales

-Public Health Wales

-Local Authorities

-UK Sport


-Higher Education Institutions

Private sector

-Commercial sport providers

-Employers with sports facilities

Third sector

-Voluntary sports clubs 

-Sport and Leisure Trusts

-Sport NGBs

-Sport-related charities

-Sport for Development organisations


-Sports participants

-Sports volunteers 


-Funding (e.g., sport development, administration, and staff costs)

-Capital expenditure on sport infrastructure building and renovations; neighbourhood sport in Wales

-Participant expenditure (activity charges/fees; equipment costs; sport clothing and footwear; travel and other costs)


-Volunteer time

















Sport participation     

-Frequency of participation 

150 mins per week

30-149 mins per week

-Intensity of participation 

moderate or vigorous

Sport volunteering     

-Frequency of participation 

-Hours worked
















-Improved physical and mental health

-Increased sports injuries

Subjective wellbeing

-Improved life satisfaction

-Improved happiness 

-Increased / reduced worthwhileness

-Increased / reduced anxiety

Social capital

-Enhanced community cohesion

-Increased social inclusion

-Increased trust 


-Reduced anti-social behaviour


-Improved educational attainment

-Enhanced human capital


Benefits for sports organisations utilising volunteers