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6. Enjoyment

The vision focuses on creating a wide range of positive experiences so everyone can enjoy sport. This section examines the data on pupil opinion of their sporting experiences, as well as staff views on physical activity provision.

Graph 11: Enjoyment of sport ‘a lot’, by settings

Graph with 4 vertical bars. The highest bar at 57 percent, representing both PE lessons and somewhere else, followed by 47 percent and 40 percent, representing Community Club Sport and Extra Curricular Sport, respectively.

Enjoyment of sport in different settings also varied by gender, age, and socio-economic deprivation.

Table 8: Enjoyment of sport in different settings by gender, sector, disability or impairment, and socioeconomic deprivation


 Enjoyment of PE ‘a lot’Enjoyment of extracurricular sport ‘a lot’Enjoyment of community club sport ‘a lot’
Disability or impairment
Disability or impairment53%36%40%
No disability or impairment58%40%48%
Socioeconomic deprivation
FSM1 (least deprived)57%42%53%
FSM4 (most deprived)61%38%39%

6.2 Perceptions of feeling listened to regarding PE and school sport

The 2022 School Sport Survey also asked pupils the degree to which they believe their ideas about PE and school sport were listened to. 

15% of pupils believe that their ideas about PE and school sport are ‘always’ listened to, while 45% of pupils feel listened to ‘sometimes’.


Table 9: Perceptions of feeling listened to regarding PE and school sport by gender and disability or impairment


Disability or impairment
Disability or impairment19%37%17%
No disability or impairment15%46%15%

6.3 Confidence to try new sports

Young people’s confidence to engage in new sporting opportunities has a large impact on their participation in sport. The 2018 Sport Wales Survey showed that pupils who are very confident in trying new activities are twice as likely to participate in sport three or more times per week.

In the 2022 School Sport Survey, 28% of pupils stated that they were ‘very confident’ in trying new sports, while 8% of pupils said they were ‘not confident at all’.

Graph 12: Confidence to try new sports, by gender

Graph split into 4 categories. Each category represents how confident pupils are to try new sports.   There are 2 vertical bars in each category. The bars represent Boys and Girls.   The highest bar for Girls is 42 percent, representing Quite Confident, followed by 28 percent, 21 percent and 9 percent, representing not very confident, very confident and not confident at all, respectively.   The Highest Bar for Boys is 42 percent, representing Quite Confident, followed by 34 percent, 17 percent and 6 percent, representing Very confident, not very confident and not confident at all, respectively.

Although boys were significantly more likely than girls to say that they were ‘very confident’ in trying new sports, both genders were equally as likely to say they were ‘quite confident’.