This year, 116,038 pupils from 1,000 schools in Wales took part in the 2022 Sport Wales School Sport Survey. This document shares the data by socioeconomic background, highlighting key figures and patterns. All figures have been rounded.
Within the School Sport Survey, Free School Meal (FSM) quartiles are used as a measure of socioeconomic background. The proportion of FSM claimants from each school is calculated, and schools are split into four equal groups based on this range of claimants., with FSM1 being the least, and FSM4 being the most, deprived.
We’ve structured this around the Vision for Sport in Wales: ‘An active nation where everyone can have a lifelong enjoyment of sport’. We want as many people as possible to be inspired to be active through sport, where everyone feels able to take part no matter their sporting background, in a sporting landscape that responds to the needs of people at different stages of their life, to create a wide range of positive experiences.
Active Nation
The Vision for Sport in Wales is to create an active nation. We want as many people as possible to be inspired to be active through sport. This section explores participation in sport, looking at frequency, setting and sport-specific participation.
There is a 15% difference between the least (FSM1) and most (FSM4) deprived pupils in participation in sport outside of the curriculum three or more times a week (Future Generations Indicator 38).
Graph 1: Frequency of participation in organised sport outside of the curriculum, by Free School Meal quartile.
Those who are least deprived are more likely to participate in sport in a community club setting than those who are the most deprived. Of those who participate in sport, 73% of FSM1 pupils participate in a community club setting, compared to 55% of FSM4 pupils.
Across all FSM quartiles, the top three sports that pupils participate in in a community club setting at least once a week are football, swimming and rugby.
The Vision is for everyone. From people who don’t see themselves as sporty to people who win medals, across all demographics. This section explores participation within Regional Sport Partnerships.
In Central South, 48% of FSM1 pupils participate in sport three or more times a week, compared to 32% of FSM4 pupils.
In Mid Wales, 47% of FSM1 pupils participate in sport three or more times a week, compared to 27% of FSM4 pupils.
In West Wales, 50% of FSM1 pupils participate in sport three or more times a week, compared to 36% of FSM4 pupils.
In Gwent, 42% of FSM1 and FSM2 (combined) pupils participate in sport three or more times a week, compared to 35% of FSM3 and FSM4 (combined) pupils.
In North Wales, 42% of FSM1 and FSM2 (combined) pupils participate in sport three or more times a week, compared to 35% of FSM3 and FSM4 (combined) pupils.
Footnote: Due to low response numbers at free school meal level in some local authorities, free school meal quartiles must be combined in analysis for Gwent and North Wales.
The Vision is for life. It responds to the needs of people at different stages of their life. This section explores demand for sport, and enablers to doing more sport.
Pupils in FSM4 are more likely to have unmet demand for sport than pupils in FSM3, FSM2 and FSM1 [FOOTNOTE: Unmet demand refers to those who do not participate in sport three or more times a week, yet have a demand to do more sport.]
The top three sports in demand for pupils in FSM1 are swimming, cycling and basketball.
The top three sports in demand for pupils in FSM2 are swimming, cycling and basketball.
The top three sports in demand for pupils in FSM3 are swimming, basketball and cycling.
The top three sports in demand for pupils in FSM4 are basketball, swimming and football.
The 2022 School Sport Survey asked pupils to select responses to the question ‘I would do more sport if…’. The top three selected responses across all FSM quartiles are ‘If there were more sport opportunities that suited me’, ‘If I had more time’, and ‘If I was more confident’.
Footnote: Unmet demand refers to those who do not participate in sport three or more times a week, yet have a demand to do more sport.
The Vision focuses on creating a wide range of positive experiences so everyone can enjoy sport. This section explores enjoyment of sport in different settings, as well as pupil confidence.
Pupils in FSM4 are more likely to enjoy PE ‘a lot’, however, pupils in FSM1 are more likely to enjoy extracurricular sport and community club sport ‘a lot’.
Table 1: Enjoyment of sport in different settings, by Free School Meal quartile.
Enjoyment of PE ‘a lot’
Enjoyment of extracurricular sport ‘a lot’
Enjoyment of community club sport ‘a lot’
Pupils were asked how confident they felt in trying new sports. 28% in FSM1, 28% in FSM2, 26% in FSM3 and 30% in FSM4 report they are ‘very confident’.