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School Sport Survey 2022

One of the world’s biggest surveys of young people, the 2022 School Sport Survey, gave young people a voice on sport and wellbeing in Wales. The survey gives us and the sector a rich insight into participation levels, behaviours and attitudes.

This year, the survey was more important than ever as it provided invaluable insight about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on young people’s activity habits. 

Thanks to the hard work of schools, local authorities, and others across the sport and education sector, we were able to listen to the voices of over 116,000 pupils, and almost 950 teachers. 

The depth of evidence means that we – and our partners – can make more informed decisions about future investment resources. We can analyse emerging trends and develop sport in a format that motivates children and young people today. It also allows us to examine under-represented groups and we use the evidence to tackle some of the barriers that prevent children and young people taking part.

Headline Results

Active Nation

  • 39% (124,000) of pupils took part in organised sport outside of the curriculum three or more times a week (Future Generations Indicator 38) – a 9-percentage-point decrease since 2018.
  • 36% (111,000) of pupils reported ‘no frequent participation’ in organised sport outside of the curriculum (i.e., participated less than once a week) - an 8-percentage-point increase since 2018.
  • 56% (174,000) of pupils took part in sport in a community club setting at least once a week in the last academic year – a 9-percentage-point decrease since 2018.


  • Less than two thirds (60%) of schools state that they have the equipment which enables inclusion of disabled pupils / pupils with an impairment or Additional Learning Need (ALN).
  • There is a 15-percentage-point difference in participation in organised sport outside of the curriculum three or more times a week between the least (FSM1) and most deprived (FSM4) areas – an increase of an additional 2-percentage-points since 2018.


  • 93% (292,000) of pupils in Wales had a demand to do more sport.
  • 56% of pupils had unmet demand for sport, the equivalent of 175,000 pupils.


  • 40% of pupils enjoyed extracurricular sport ‘a lot’, compared to 57% enjoying PE ‘a lot’ and 47% enjoying community club sport ‘a lot’.
  • 69% of pupils stated that they were ‘very confident’ or ‘confident in trying new sports, while 8% of pupils said they were ‘not confident at all’.


Footnote: Unmet demand refers to demand for any sport among pupils not participating in organised sport outside of the curriculum three or more times a week

Full Results


Schools who participated in the survey and qualified received an individualised report of their result during the school summer holidays. This report will have been sent via the following email address: SCHOOLSPORTSURVEY@SNAPSURVEYS.COM

The reports contain key data that can help your school improve their sporting offer, and will help you better understand the sporting landscape for young people in your school and across Wales, and aid you in enhancing the lives of your pupils. 

The reports have been structured around the Vision for Sport in Wales – ‘an active nation where everyone can have lifelong enjoyment of sport’. By using this as the basis for our report, you can see how your school contributes to the vision, and where there could be scope to do things differently. 

The following video explains what you can expect to find in your report.

If you expected to receive a report but have not, please contact [javascript protected email address]


Action Plan Templates

To support schools to make best use of their survey results, we have created an ‘action plan template’. This template can be used to help schools create plans for the future delivery of sport based on their 2022 results, as well as to inspire ideas of how to further engage pupils in understanding their behaviours and attitudes towards sport. 

View the template