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  3. Mixed-Methods Systematic Review to Identify Facilitators and Barriers for Parents/Carers to Engage Pre-School Children in Community-Based Opportunities to be Physically Active

Mixed-Methods Systematic Review to Identify Facilitators and Barriers for Parents/Carers to Engage Pre-School Children in Community-Based Opportunities to be Physically Active

Sport North Wales Foundations Sub Group, identified an insight gap regarding the facilitators and barriers to parents engaging their 0-5 year-old children in community-based opportunities to be physically active. In May 2022, the Welsh Institute of Physical Activity Health and Sport (WIPAHS) were commissioned by Sport Wales to address this insight gap through undertaking a systematic literature review. 

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Report produced by:

Dr Rachel Knight, Dr Catherine Sharp, Prof Melitta McNarry, Dr Britt Hallingberg and Prof Kelly Mackintosh on behalf of the Welsh Institute of Physical Activity, Health and Sport (WIPAHS)