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Summary Sheet

The information being displayed below are either significant differences between the demographic data, or significant changes since the previous wave. If you are looking for a more in-depth analysis, please see factsheets for wave 8 and 9.

There have been very few significant changes in women’s behaviours and attitudes towards sport and physical activity since the previous wave which was conducted in October 2023. 

Men are significantly more likely to be confident taking part in physical activity in the following settings than women, a few examples will follow below: 

  • Grass pitches (used for football, rugby, cricket etc.) – 42% [men] vs. 16% [women]
  • Gyms / Health and fitness suites – 45% vs. 38%
  • Swimming pools – 51% vs. 44% 
  • Sports halls – 39% vs. 22%
  • Outdoor courts (used for tennis, basketball etc.) – 36% vs. 22% 
  • Artificial pitches (used for hockey, football etc.) – 35% vs. 14%
  • Parks – 72% vs. 62%

Men have seen a 7-percetange-point increase in walking for leisure with someone else. From 40% in Oct 23, to 47% in Jan 24. Although, females are still significantly more likely to walk for leisure with somebody else than men (47% vs. 54%).

Walking for leisure 2-4 days a week has significantly increased for both men and women since Oct 23. It has increased by 13-percentage-points for men, and 8-percentage-points for women. 

Men are significantly more likely to have the opportunity to be physically active, in comparison to women (77% vs. 70%).

61% of men reported that they find physical activity “enjoyable and satisfying” compared to 52% of women. 

71% of men reported that it is important for them to exercise regularly, compared to 62% of women. 

There has been a 10-percentage-point decrease in the proportion of men taking part in physical activity to help manage their mental health since Oct 23. 

39% of men feel that environmental sustainability is an important factor for them when choosing what sport or physical activity to take part in, compared to 31% of women. 

44% of men take steps to act sustainably and reduce negative impact on the natural environment when participating in sport or physical activity, compared to 36% of women. 

30% of women would like to do a gym, fitness, or exercise class away from the home in the future, compared to 23% of men. 


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