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Summary Sheet

Note. pp = percentage-point

Selected differences of significance

Activity past week

  • Running or jogging: 22% [male] vs. 15% [female]
  • Used an indoor court: 12% vs. 5%

Regular activity past 3 months

  • Walking for leisure or travel: 58% vs. 66%
  • Home activity viewed online: 8% vs. 18%
  • Cycling for leisure or travel: 19% vs. 11%


  • Currently volunteering in sport / physical activity: 20% vs. 11%
  • Likely to coach in sport / physical activity (PA) in the next 12 months: 44% vs. 34%


  • To manage my weight (% of adults who ranked this in their top 5 reasons to take part): 41% vs. 51%
  • I have watched a major sporting event in the past 3 months, and it inspired me to take part in physical activity: 29% vs. 20%
  • NET: football inspired you to take part in physical activity: 48% vs. 26%


  • Confidence to be physically active: 69% vs. 56%

Opportunities and Resources 

  • I feel that there are an adequate number of sport / physical activity facilities in my local area: 58% vs. 47%
  • I feel that the sport / PA facilities in my area are affordable: 47% vs. 36%
  • I am able to get to the local sport and PA facilities that appeal to me: 61% vs. 53%
  • I feel that the sport / PA facilities in my area are of high quality: 46% vs. 38%

The experience

  • I find exercise enjoyable & satisfying: 63% vs. 53%
  • I do not enjoy taking part in physical activity on my own: 26% vs. 33%


  • Cost of living has had a negative impact (net) on ability to be active: 32% vs. 40%

Changes of Significance since Spring ’24


  • Walking for leisure or travel in the past 3 months: 58% (-7pp)
  • Felt comfortable using an indoor swimming pool: 90% (-9pp)


  • No changes of significance

Changes of Significance since Summer ‘23:


  • Active on 5+ days: 33% (+7pp)
  • Swimming (past 3 months): 20% (+7pp)
  • Motivation: to get out the house: 52% (-10pp)
  • Felt comfortable using indoor gym / fitness centre: 88% (-7pp)


  • Motivation: to get out the house: 54% (-9pp)
  • Motivation: spending time with friends: 19% (-7pp)


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