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Summary Sheet

Note. pp = percentage-point

Note. Where an age group has not been included the sample size was not large enough to report on with sufficient precision.

Selected differences of significance

Activity in the past week

  • Active on 3+ days: 66% [16-34-year-olds] vs. 56% [35-54-year-olds] vs. 51% [55+]
  • Walking for leisure: 53% vs. 61% vs. 68%
  • Gym, fitness, or exercise class away from home: 29% vs. 21% vs. 10%
  • Used an indoor gym / fitness centre: 35% vs. 26% vs. 12%
  • Used an indoor swimming pool: 23% vs. 25% vs. 14%


  • Currently volunteering in sport / physical activity: 28% [16-34-year-olds] vs. 16% [35-54-year-olds]
  • Likely to volunteer in the next 12 months: 53% vs. 41% vs. 14%


  • I feel it is important to exercise regularly: 76% vs. 72% vs. 65%
  • Exercise to manage mental health: 67% vs. 64% vs. 50%
  • To be physically healthy (% of adults who ranked this in their top 5 reasons to take part):71% vs. 75% vs. 79%
  • To feel good (% of adults who ranked this in their top 5 reasons to take part): 65% vs. 73% vs. 67%
  • To get out the house (% of adults who ranked this in their top 5 reasons to take part): 46% vs. 50% vs. 61%
  • To feel confident (% of adults who ranked this in their top 5 reasons to take part): 53% vs. 52% vs. 34%
  • To manage my weight (% of adults who ranked this in their top 5 reasons to take part): 41% vs. 48% vs. 47%
  • I have watched a major sporting event in the past 3 months and it inspired me to take part in physical activity: 38% vs. 33% vs. 10%


  • I have the confidence to be physically active: 68% vs. 64% vs. 57%
  • I worry about leaving home to take part in physical activity (PA): 32% vs. 26% vs. 18%
  • I have the ability to be active: 86% vs. 80% vs. 59%

Opportunities and Resources

  • I have the opportunity to be physically active: 81% vs. 78 vs. 68%
  • I don’t have enough time to be physically active due to other commitments: 39% vs. 40% vs. 16%
  • I feel that there are an adequate number of sport / physical activity facilities in my local area: 51% vs. 57% vs. 50%
  • I feel that the sport / PA facilities in my area are affordable: 50% vs. 44% vs. 34%
  • I am able to get to the local sport and PA facilities that appeal to me: 59% vs. 62% vs. 52%
  • I feel that the sport / PA facilities in my area are of high quality: 47% vs. 47% vs. 35%

The experience

  • I find exercise enjoyable & satisfying: 67% vs. 64% vs. 48%
  • Felt comfortable using indoor swimming pool: 83% vs. 91% vs. 98%
  • Member of a sports club: 25% vs. 16% vs. 11%

Cost of living

  • No impact on my PA choices: 18% vs. 19% vs. 39%
  • Activity levels reduced:22% vs. 21% vs. 10%
  • Switched to cheaper activities: 29% vs. 27% vs. 11%
  • Spent less on sports clothing: 20% vs. 22% vs. 12%
  • Cost of living has had a negative impact (net) on ability to be active: 36% vs. 50% vs. 26%
  • Doing less sport and activity due to changes in the cost of living: 37% vs. 41%. 16%

Changes of significance since Spring ‘24:

Younger adults

  • Active on 5+ days: 30% (+8pp)
  • I don’t have enough time to be physically active due to other commitments: 39% (-12pp)
  • Felt comfortable using indoor swimming pool: 83% (-7pp)
  • Felt comfortable using an indoor court: 84% (+7pp)


  • Active on 5+ days: 33% (+7pp)
  • Likely to volunteer in the next 12 months: 41% (+8pp)
  • I feel it is important to exercise regularly: 72% (+8pp)
  • Motivation: to feel good: 73% (+7pp)
  • Motivation: to develop my skills: 23% (+7pp)

Older adults

  • N/A

Changes of significance since Summer ‘23

Younger adults

  • Walking for leisure (in the past week): 53% (+9pp)
  • Motivation: To get out the house (% of adults who ranked this in their top 5 reasons to take part): 46% (-8pp)
  • Confident taking part in swimming pools: 54% (-7pp)
  • Cost of living has had a negative impact (net) on ability to be active: 36% (-11pp)
  • Cost of living has had a significant negative impact on ability to be active: 8% (-10pp)


  • Motivation: To get out the house (% of adults who ranked this in their top 5 reasons to take part): 50% (-11pp)
  • Motivation: Spending time with friends (% of adults who ranked this in their top 5 reasons to take part): 17% (-11pp)
  • Felt comfortable using an indoor swimming pool: 91% (+10pp)

Older adults

  • Motivation: To get out the house (% of adults who ranked this in their top 5 reasons to take part): 61% (-9pp)
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