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Physical activity is defined as a total of 30 mins or more of exercise which was enough to raise breathing rate.

Activity levels

  • Just under half (45%) of adults in Wales are doing physical activity on 2-4 days a week. This remains in line with Apr 24 (49%) and Jul 23 (47%).
  • The proportion of people doing physical activity on 5+ days a week (29%) is higher than Apr 24 (24%) and Jul 23 (25%). This is the highest figure seen since Aug 21 (29%).
  • The proportion doing no exercise (16%) has remained the same since Apr 24 (16%), and is in line with Jul 23 (18%).
    • Male respondents are significantly more likely than female respondents to have done physical activity on 5+ days (33% vs 26%).
    • Respondents aged 55+ and 35-54 are significantly more likely than 16-34s to have done no physical activity (23% and 14% vs 7%).
    • Respondents with a disability are significantly more likely than those without to have done no physical activity (21% vs 13%).
  • Nine in ten (90%) respondents who have children aged 15 or younger said that their children did some form of physical activity outside of school hours on a typical weekday.
    • This is in line with Apr 24 (89%), but higher than Jul 23 (85%).
  • Over nine in ten (95%) of respondents who have children aged 15 or younger also said that their children did some form of physical activity outside of school hours on a typical weekend day.
    • This represents a significant increase compared to Jul 23 (88%).

Activity type and frequency

  • The most common activities done by respondents in the week preceding the survey period were walking for leisure (62%), walking for travel (27%), gym, fitness or exercise class away from home (19%), and running or jogging (18%).
    • The proportion of respondents who have gone swimming in the last week (13%) is higher than in Apr 24 (10%) and Jul 23 (10%).
    • The proportion of respondents who have gone to a gym, fitness or exercise class away from home (19%) is also higher than in Jul 23 (16%).
  • In the last three months, just over three in five respondents say they regularly walk for either leisure or travel (62%) (at least once per month).
    • Just over one in four say they go to a gym, fitness or exercise class (27%), and one in five go running or jogging (20%) and swimming (20%).
    • Less than one in ten (5%) respondents say they regularly play racket sports, a increase compared to Apr 24 (3%) and Jul 23 (3%)
  • Just one in ten (10%) say they have done no regular physical activity in the last three months. This is the same as in Apr 24 (10%), and remains the joint-lowest figure seen across all waves.