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27% of men stated that they have exercised on most days (5+) in the past week, compared to 20% of women.

Just under two thirds of women (66%) have participated in walking for leisure in the past week, this is compared to 59% of men. 

35% of men walk for leisure with somebody else, which is a 10-percentage-point decrease from April 23, whilst 48% of women walk with somebody else which is a 7-percentage-point decrease from April 23. 

There is a 12-percentage-point difference between men finding exercise enjoyable and satisfying, compared to women – 60% [men] vs. 48% [women]. This is a 7-percentage-point decrease for women since April 23. 

18% of men reported that they are currently volunteering in sport, compared to 10% of women. 

Just under two-thirds of men (66%) reported that they have the confidence to be physically active, compared to half of women (50%). 

34% of women agreed that they do not enjoy taking part in physical activity on their own – this is in comparison to 25% of men. 

Women are significantly more likely to worry about leaving their home to take part in physical activity than men – 20% vs. 27%.

Women are more likely to report having barriers in their way to compete in sport and physical activity, compared to men. As can be seen below:

  • Men (58%) are significantly more likely to agree that there are an adequate number of sport and physical activity facilities in their local area than women (51%). 
  • Men are also significantly more likely to agree than women that sport and physical activities in their local area are of high quality – 48% vs. 41%. 
  • 45% of men agreed that facilities in their local area are affordable compared to 38% of women. 
  • 61% of men agree that they are able to get their local sport and physical activity that appeal to them 53% of women. 


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