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In the past week 52% of those who have a mental condition or illness reported that they participated in sport or physical activity 2-4 days a week, which is a 10-percentage-point increase since Jan 24. 

Those without a longstanding health condition or illness are significantly more likely to have participated in the following activities compared to those with a longstanding health condition or illness: 

  • Walking for leisure – 67% [without a longstanding health condition or illness] vs. 55% [with a longstanding health condition or illness].
  • Running or jogging – 19% vs. 11%
  • Gym, fitness or exercise class away from the home – 19% vs. 11%

36% of people with a longstanding health condition or illness have walked for leisure with somebody else - a 15-percentage-point decrease since Jan 24. 

Whilst 48% of those without a longstanding health condition or illness have walked for leisure with somebody else which is an 8-percentage-point decrease since Apr 23.

Those with a physical condition or illness are significantly less likely to have confidence using gyms / health and fitness suites than those with a mental health condition or illness and those without a longstanding health condition or illness – 38% [mental health condition or illness] vs. 24% [physical condition or illness vs. 43% [without a health condition or illness]. 

17% of those with a longstanding health condition or illness have taken part in sport or physical activity in an indoor swimming pool, which is a 7-percentage-point decrease from Jan 24. 

30% of those with a mental health condition or illness reported that they are likely to volunteer to support sport and physical activity in the next 12 months (compared to 41% in Jan 24). Whilst 19% of those with a physical health condition or illness reported that they were likely (compared to 27% in Jan 24) and 31% of those without a longstanding health condition or illness said the same. 

34% of those with a physical health condition or illness agree that they find exercise enjoyable and satisfying which is a 14-percentage-point decrease since Jan 24. 

34% of those who have a physical health condition or illness agreed that they have the confidence to be physically active which is a 7-percentage-point increase since Jan 24. 

Those with a longstanding health condition or illness are significantly more likely to agree that they do not enjoy taking part in physical activity on their own compared to those without a longstanding health condition or illness – 35% [with a longstanding health condition or illness] vs. 27% [without a longstanding health condition or illness]. 

38% of those with a mental health condition or illness agree that they worry about leaving their home to take part in sport or physical activity, this is a 9-percentage-point decrease since Jan 24. 

Those without a longstanding health condition or illness are significantly more likely to agree that they take part in physical activity to manage their physical health than those with a longstanding health condition – 51% vs. 59%.

Those with a longstanding health condition or illness are significantly more likely to report barriers relating to sport and physical activity facilities than those without. As can be seen from the following: 

  • Agree that there are an adequate number of sport and physical activity facilities in their local area – 50% vs. 57%. 
  • Agree that the local sport and physical activity facilities in their local area are of high quality – 39% vs. 48%.
  • Agree that the sport and physical activity facilities in their local area are affordable – 35% vs. 45%.
  • Agree that they are able to get to the local sport and physical activity facilities which appeal to them – 47% vs. 63%. 
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