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67% of those from the 30% most deprived areas [most deprived areas] have walked for leisure in the past week, that is a 11-percentage-point increase from Jan 24. 

Since Jan 24, the proportion of those from the most deprived areas who walked for leisure with somebody else has significantly decreased from 46% to 33% and those in the 30% least deprived areas [least deprived areas] have seen a 13-percentage point decrease. 

34% of those living in mid-deprived areas [mid-deprivation areas] have confidence in using gyms / health and fitness suits, this is an 8-percentage-point decrease since Jan 24. 

Those from the least deprived areas have seen a significant increase in confidence in using swimming pools, from 43% in Jan 24 to 51% in April 24. 

Those from the least deprived areas are significantly more likely to agree that they have the ability to be physically active than those in the most deprived areas – 66% [most deprived areas] vs. 70% [mid-deprivation areas] vs. 72% [least deprived areas]. 

There has been an 8-percentage-point decrease amongst those in mid-deprivation areas who agree that they find exercise enjoyable and satisfying, since Jan 24. Whilst this is also significantly less than those from the most and least deprived areas – 57% vs. 50% vs. 59%. 

72% of people in the most deprived areas agree that it is important to them to exercise regularly, this is a 7-percentage-points increase from Jan 24. This is also significantly more than those from mid-deprivation areas (64%), whilst 70% of those from the least deprived areas agree. 

Those from mid-deprivation areas are significantly more likely to agree they do not enjoy taking part in physical activity than those in the least deprived areas – 29% vs. 32% vs. 24%.

24% of those from the most deprived areas and 25% of those from mid-deprivation areas worry about leaving their home to participate in sport and physical activity, compared with 15% of those from the least deprived areas. 

58% of those from the most deprived areas take part in physical activity to help manage their physical health which is an 8-percentage-point increase since Jan 24. 

61% of those in the least deprived areas agree that there are an adequate number of sport and physical activity facilities in their local area compared to 54% of those in mid-deprivation areas, whilst 55% of those in the most deprived areas agreed. 

Just under half (49%) of those from the least deprived areas agree that the sport and physical activity facilities in their local area are of high quality, this is a 9-percentage-point increase from Jan 24 and significantly more than those from mid-deprivation areas (42%). 46% of those from the most deprived areas agree. 

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