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  3. What currently inhibits 11 to 16-year-olds progressing from school or grassroots participation to a pathway recognised by a Welsh Governing Body?

What currently inhibits 11 to 16-year-olds progressing from school or grassroots participation to a pathway recognised by a Welsh Governing Body?

An inclusive sport system is one where any potential barrier to participation and enjoyment of sport is identified and addressed. Much is understood with regards to the barriers to participation in sport generally through the National Survey for Wales, the School Sport Survey, the Welsh Activity Tracker, and more.


Little is understood as to the current challenges that inhibit individuals in Wales moving from school and / or grassroots participation in sport through to a recognised sporting pathway. Consequently, there isn’t much scope currently to construct well-informed interventions.  

Therefore, the following project had the following primary research question:

  • What currently inhibits (or supports) 11 – 16-year-olds progressing from school or grassroots participation to a pathway recognised by a Welsh Governing Body?

And the following secondary research questions: 

  • Are 11 – 16-year-olds aware of the progression pathways available to them?
  • What influences 11 – 16-year-olds who participate within a given sport, having the desire (or not) to progress through to a recognised pathway?


Listening to and understanding the voices of those with lived experience is key when attempting to recognise challenges faced and design solutions to enhance the experience. However, we recognise that wouldn’t have been possible in this project without the willingness of young people to share their experience so articulately, and without schools giving their time and energy to open their doors, organise the focus groups, and spare their pupils. Therefore, we want to record our official thank you to all pupils, teachers, and schools involved in this project.