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Evaluation Framework

Research Questions

The research questions designed by Sport Wales to evaluate the programme were as follows:

  • What enables a school to become an active education setting?
  • What is the impact of a school becoming an active education setting?
    • The impact it has on the vision for sport and Sport Wales strategy
    • The impact it has on physical activity levels
    • The impact it has on education priorities including attendance
  • What can ensure the active education approach becomes sustainable and embedded into school development plans?


The evaluation was predominantly designed and developed by Sport Wales. WIPAHS were commissioned following a competitive tender process in March 2022 (six months after project inception) and upon appointment provided input to project materials and data collection tools to further shape and refine.

Data Collection

This study employed a mixed-methods design, using a range of data collection methods.

At the outset of the programme, due to the nature of the work the school was seeking to implement, three schools were selected to participate in the evaluation as longitudinal schools. This meant these three schools took part in additional measures over multiple time-points. All schools received financial support to relieve school staff to participate in monitoring and evaluation aspects of the programme.

Further detail on each of the data collection methods is presented in Appendix 1.

Data Collection Methods

  1. Expression of interest
  2. School forums
  3. Learning logs
  4. Attendance registers
  5. Staff structured interview
  6. Child-level survey

Additional measures for three longitudinal schools

  1. Staff semi-structured interviews
  2. Children’s focus groups