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West Monmouth High School

School Focus: Developing dance through working with the Traveller community

Expression of interest overview

West Monmouth School in Tofaen, serves partner feeder primary schools in the neighbouring electoral wards of New Inn, Panteg, Ponypool Fawr, Trevethin and Penygam. Historically, the school has offered traditional sports and drama activities. With a changing socioeconomic profile of pupils, with free school meals eligibility increasing from 17% to 32% over the last five years, there was a desire to provide a broader offering in line with the interests of pupils. There was an interest to be involved in dance, including by pupils from the Traveller community. To extend the offer, the school sought to host after-school sessions, with a view to train pupils to become dance leaders and provide dance sessions to feeder primary schools. The intention was for the funding to be spent on three overarching areas to support the creation of a community hub:

  • Staff costs
  • External providers of dance sessions
  • Delivery costs

Programme implementation

The school received funding from December 2021 to July 2022. Attendance numbers recorded by the school showed attendance varied across the months, with the greatest attendance in March (534 participants) and May (456 participants). The lowest attendance was in January (111 participants), which was notably lower than most months, thereby suggesting that attendance increased once knowledge of the sessions was disseminated. Monthly learning logs listed activities the school had been offering, such as pupil and adult dance activity. A wide variety of dance styles were covered (e.g. Latin, jazz, hip hop, street dance, and contemporary). Through the monthly completion of learning logs, the following key reflective points were highlighted, and the school’s implementation of the programme was documented in the timeline shown in Figure 16.

What worked well

  • Relationships developed with external providers, Torfaen Sports Development, and feeder primaries
  • Pupils made rapid progress and accessed competitions
  • Development of dance leaders extended provision
  • The school is underway in creating a dance culture - a long-term aim with provision now available for different year groups, for boys and girls, and adults

Learning points

  • Further work to develop leaders and more time to realise overall ambitions and aims

Next steps

  • West Mon and Torfaen Sports Development team will continue to support the adult dance fitness provision next academic year
  • Continue to develop dance competitions in Eisteddfods
  • Potential for a provider to set up additional community club based at school
Figure 16: The graphic shows the school’s monthly reflections on the programme implementation.  January - Pupils began to attend lunchtime dance club and numbers increased. After school clubs started. Links made with five dance providers.  February - Mirrors installed to improve further performance and an iPad purchased to enhance performance. Torfaen Sports Development lead the adult community session.  March - Two school teams (11 pupils) competed in the Welsh National Dance Championships and were placed 1st and 2nd in junior all-style category. A further 18 pupils participate in event workshops.  April - Older pupils taught dance to younger pupils, building confidence leadership experience. Links strengthened with feeder primaries. Boys’ dance introduced, led by male UDOIT! dancer  May - School was a pilot for the ‘I am’ project to improve mental health through dance. Newly trained leaders began to lead after-school Key Stage 3 sessions.  June-Boys’ Street dance continued with steady numbers. Pupils developed cross-curricular skills through use of Welsh language by participating in the Eisteddfod and learning Welsh clog dancing.  July - 15 pupils travel to Coventry to compete in The UK National dance finals. Teams are placed 4th and 5th. KLA Dance asks to set up their own community club from school.


Closer links with the local authority have now been established and the school plans to become a Community Focussed School from September onwards with a focus upon physical activity and sport provision.

The following data was not available for reporting for this school: Pupil’s survey