Main Content CTA Title

St Ethelwold’s Church in Wales Primary School

School Focus: Develop a sustainable and generalisable programme model through facilitating staff training and building exit routes of activity into the community.

Expression of interest overview

St Ethelwold’s Church in Wales Primary School is in an area of high deprivation in Flintshire and despite being well positioned in the community for pupils to walk home from the school after attending after school activities, attendance is very low. However, as the offer in the community groups has been able to exceed that of what the school can offer as those offering the sessions are more qualified, the school has needed to identify a novel sporting offer to encourage pupils to attend and upskill staff to be able to deliver the sessions. Pupils voice informed that they desired a non competitive sporting offer. The intention was for the funding to be spent on four overarching areas to support the creation of a community hub:

  • Additional support for vulnerable and disabled pupils to attend
  • Staff costs including training
  • Session provision providers
  • Equipment

Programme implementation

The school received funding from December 2021 to December 2022. Due to difficulties in securing sports providers to deliver the sessions, the programme has not been implemented in the original timescale. Consequently, the impact, if any, of the funding in this school has not been realised yet. As such, attendance data, monthly learning logs and pupil’s survey aim to be completed in the Autumn term.

Next steps – September 2022 onwards

Monitoring of sessions will be ongoing until December 2022, when impact, if any, of the pilot project within the school community will be found.