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Dylan Thomas School

School Focus: Develop an inclusive offer for the LGBTQ+ community and children and young people with additional learning needs.

Expression of interest overview

Dylan Thomas School serves Townhill, Swansea (one of the most deprived areas in Wales) with 50.7% of children eligible for free school meals and 58.3% of children with additional learning needs. The school was successful in a Sport Wales/Collaboration Fund investment to finance a new floodlit 3G training area on the school grounds. The new facility is already benefiting the wider community. However, additional provisions have been identified by user groups to maximise the use of the school facilities, such as access to indoor changing facilities and use of indoor facilities. The school consulted six pupils (some who identified as transgender) to design new gender-neutral changing rooms. The intention was for the AEBSD funding to be spent on the following three overarching areas to increase the offer of the school to the community in an inclusive manner:

  • Develop gender-neutral changing space in existing changing rooms
  • Additional hours for school sports co-ordinator
  • Provision of indoor sport equipment for after school and community use (e.g. fitness pack, storage)

Programme implementation

The school received funding from January to December 2022. Due to the nature of the funding and delays in the upgrading of the changing rooms, the programme is yet to be implemented as desired. As such, attendance data, monthly learning logs and pupil’s survey will potentially be completed in the Autumn term.