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Monitoring and Reporting

We recognise the vital importance of data and insight to both monitor and drive progress during the Strategic Equality Plan period.  We collect a wide range of robust data across a range of areas, including workforce (across all protected characteristics), participation rates, demand and investments.  We also routinely work with academia on specific research projects that assist us in considering intersectionality aspects of inequality.

Sport Wales will publish the following information in its annual Public Equality Duty report:

  1. An update of progress against the Strategic Equality Plan objectives
  2. Staff diversity data
  3. Board member diversity data
  4. Recruitment diversity monitoring
  5. New starters / leavers diversity data
  6. Gender pay gap
  7. Pay gap related to other protected characteristics (where statistically possible)
  8. Complaints, Grievances, Disciplinaries
  9. Training information 
  10. Participation data (including National Survey for Wales and School Sport Survey)
  11. Investments analysed across priority areas

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee will play a key role in monitoring and challenging progress throughout the Strategic Equality Plan period. 

Integrated Impact Assessment 

Sport Wales uses an Integrated Impact Assessment tool to understand the potential impact of proposed changes to policy or practices.  This is typically a collaborative and iterative document aimed at developing an understanding of the impact on those with protected characteristics and our wider public duties.  The tool enables Sport Wales to develop mitigating actions if any negative impact is identified or to identify opportunities to consider how a positive impact can be further enhanced.