6. Our ways of working

In order to maximise our impact, we will need to work with a wide range of stakeholders.
We are committed to the following ways of working with each of our stakeholders: -
- Agility – responding to innovation and the rapid pace of change
- Learning – being open to learning and sharing our own experience
- Involvement – involving partners and stakeholders in shaping our priorities and actions
- Collaboration – working with others to deliver actions and mutual environmental sustainability objectives.
Roles and Responsibilities
As referenced in the Welsh Government Remit Letter, and our Business Plan, environmental sustainability and decarbonisation is a hugely important area of focus. As such, the Chair of Sport Wales will take ultimate responsibility for the organisation’s approach to sustainability and decarbonisation.
The Chief Executive will be responsible for putting in place suitable roles and responsibilities to ensure that environmental sustainability is managed and considered throughout the organisation. Annual reporting to Welsh Government will be used to monitor progress.
The Director of Finance and Business Services will have executive responsibility for reporting carbon emissions to Welsh Government. The Decarbonisation and Sustainability Group will sit under this role and will develop and support the delivery of actions to reduce carbon emissions.
The Chair of the Sustainability Working Group (a subgroup of the National Governing Bodies Chief Executives Forum) will be an important liaison between the partners and Sport Wales. This role will communicate ideas and requests for support from the NGBs to us via the Chief Executive and will feed back progress and new procedures aimed at helping reduce emissions across Sport Wales and our partner organisations.
The Assistant Director of National Sport Facilities, Infrastructure and Capital, the Estates Managers and maintenance teams will put in place suitable ways of working to ensure carbon emissions are considered as a lifecycle approach in all aspects of their work at the National Centres.
Relationship Managers to act as a conduit between Sport Wales and national partners (National Governing Bodies, national partners and sport partnerships) to understand and respond to sector needs.
All staff will understand the ambition of Sport Wales to achieve net zero emissions by 2030 and will understand how they can carry out their role with due consideration of their environmental impacts.
We will prepare an annual Carbon Report in line with Welsh Government guidance. This will be reported to Board in order to track our performance against a net zero 2030 ambition.