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The Urdd

The Urdd has 55,000 members between the ages of 3 and 25, making it the largest youth organization in Europe.

Since 1922, the Urdd has provided opportunities for over 4 million children and young people in Wales to enjoy sporting, arts, residential, philanthropic, and voluntary experiences through the medium of Welsh, which has enabled them to make a positive contribution to their communities and society, as well as broadening their horizons and increasing their self-confidence.

What are the main aims of The Urdd?

Use the power of the Welsh language to engage with children, young people and families and get them actively involved in sport week in week out for life. The Urdd have an inclusive National Development plan in place which is supported by a network of highly skilled and motivated staff, apprentices, coaches and volunteers that enables us to reach our National targets and outcomes.

How does The Urdd’s work help Sport Wales to achieve an Active Nation?

Within sport, there are four priority areas that have been identified by The Urdd that reflect Sport Wales’ Vision for Sport - Schools and the Community, Tackling Inequality, Workforce Development and The Sports Path.

The Urdd work in partnership with Schools and Communities to develop and increase inclusive opportunities for children and young people to participate in sports clubs. They engage with children, young people and families to provide inclusive and accessible opportunities for all.

Sport without coaches and volunteers would struggle to operate. The Urdd are committed to the support and development of coaches and volunteers in partnership with their key stakeholders. All children and young people will have the opportunity to compete, regardless of their standard, so that there is inclusive competition across Wales.

How can The Urdd support the wider network of partners in our united Vision for Sport?

The Urdd can help offer support to clubs and organisations about providing their sports services through the medium of Welsh. 

With expertise in organising and running high level regional and national competitions, experience and support from The Urdd can be provided to partners to assist with any sports events.

The Urdd offers Sports Apprenticeships and Outdoor Training all over Wales, giving partners the opportunity to work and learn with their skilled and experienced staff. Their staff are also readily available to support National projects.

Urdd Logo

Examples of The Urdd’s work

Get in touch with The Urdd

E-mail: [javascript protected email address]

Twitter: @chwaraeonyrurdd
Facebook: @chwaraeon.yrurdd
Instagram: @chwaraeonurdd