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Disability Sport Wales

The Federation of Disability Sport Wales is a pan-disability National Sport agency which provides and promotes inclusive physical activity (including sport) for disabled people in Wales. 

With a vision to transform lives through the power of sport, DSW delivers thousands of disability inclusive sport opportunities throughout Wales.

What are the main aims of Disability Sport Wales?

DSW aim to contribute to the ‘Vision for Sport’ by creating a more inclusive sports sector where every disabled person is hooked on sport, offering real choice as to where, when and how often people play sport. They believe that this approach will help to secure the sector’s goal of ‘more people, more active, more often’.

How does Disability Sport Wales’ work help Sport Wales to achieve an Active Nation?

The values of DSW align with those of Sport Wales and the sector. They use the missions of the sector and tailor them to the needs of disabled people in Wales.

Encouraging disabled people into sport, DSW help in the mission to create an active nation by providing thousands of inclusive sports opportunities for those with disabilities.

Not only do they provide sport for disabled people, but they help enable sport by providing workshops and learning resources for other deliverers of sport, too. Those working within the sport, leisure, physical education, and physical activity sectors can access these, in order to support their development and delivery of opportunities which are inclusive of disabled people

How can Disability Sport Wales support the wider network of partners in our united Vision for Sport?

One of DSW’s top strategic priorities is to ‘establish effective partnership for an inclusive sector culture. This is why DSW recognise that a partner-led approach is essential to transform lives through the power of sport. They say they cannot achieve significant change alone and they need to bring existing, as well as new partners on their journey with them. They challenge their partners and the wider sporting landscape to accept and embrace inclusion, and in so doing, provide even greater levels of activity for disabled people.

Their insport project provides support to clubs, national governing bodies and other third sector organisations. They offer a range of disability inclusion training courses, guidance, and resources which can help coaches and volunteers create a more inclusive environment for disabled people within sport.

Disability Sport Wales logo

Examples of Disability Sport Wales' work

Get in touch with Disability Sport Wales


Twitter: @dsw_news
Facebook: @disabilitysportwales
Instagram: @disability_sport_wales