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Moving to Inclusion Framework

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Why The Moving To Inclusion ‘Framework’?

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion is a vital part of governance that all bodies should be embedding within their strategy, and across their whole organisation. Sport Wales previously invested in specialist consultants to ensure partners are supported in working toward an appropriate level of the Equality Standards. The Standards were independently assessed and consisted of the following levels:

  • Foundation
  • Preliminary  
  • Intermediate  
  • Advanced  

These Standards have encouraged partners, and the sector, to explore EDI within their organisation and work towards becoming more inclusive. 

The Sports Council Equality Group (SCEG) have completed a comprehensive review of the Equality Standard for Sport to ensure it is progressive and fit for purpose. Independent consultants were commissioned to carry out this review and an updated ‘Moving to Inclusion Framework’ was launched in Autumn/Winter 2023. 

The independent consultants were Sport Structures who consulted the sector and piloted the new model with partners to gather vital feedback to complete phase 3 of the review. Welsh marketing company Yogi have completed the website redesign and accompanying self-diagnostic tool. 

What we do and how we will support our partners:

The new Framework is designed to move further away from achieving ‘standards’ and ticking boxes and will encourage partners to work toward embedding EDI through a ‘Continual Improvement’ journey.

Partners will need to review their EDI Policy and set up a working group before accessing the self-reflection diagnostic tool and Framework. This will ensure sufficient foundations are in place for partners to develop EDI across their organisation. The diagnostic tool will gauge progress across 5 ‘pillars’ to ensure the whole organisation is responsible for EDI, and not sit with one officer or individual. The 5 pillars are: 

  • Leadership
  • Communication
  • Culture
  • Experience  
  • Relationships  

Partners will be encouraged to utilise the diagnostic tool to highlight gaps in EDI and prioritise their development areas. Peer-to-peer support groups will be formed, mentors will be provided, and good practice initiatives will be shared across the sector. There will also be an option for organisations who feel they are ‘sector-leading’ in the specified pillars to apply for ‘Celebrating Inclusion’ after engaging with the Framework for a set period of time.

Partners can also access bespoke EDI support through our newly appointed ‘panel of experts’ which is managed through the Governance Team. FAQs were created following the partner briefings and can be found below.