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Becoming an Inclusive Leader Programme

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The stakes for leaders have never been greater than they are today, even more so in the current climate, where intentions surrounding Inclusion and Diversity have taken centre stage.

The onus falls on leaders to set workplace cultures, make the best decisions and, mobilise and empower their teams to forge a clear roadmap towards sustainable, meaningful initiatives and interventions, guided by people’s lived experience and learning from others, what has and hasn’t worked. 

The AKD “Becoming an Inclusive Leader” programme has been designed to equip you with the skills, provide you with clarity of vision, and enhance your confidence to lead your teams. The programme also emphasises the importance of developing inclusive working environments that are reflective of the communities you serve.

The audience for this programme   

This programme is for those who are genuinely committed to diversity and inclusion and can influence change in your organisation.

We are particularly keen to attract participants from NGBS, local authorities, Sports and Leisure Trusts, and any wider partners who are involved in the delivery of Sport and Physical Activity. The programme is aimed at:

  • Senior Managers and Leaders
  • Aspiring Leaders
  • Those leading on diversity and inclusion
Two boys playing badminton

The Programme 

Over the course of the next 8 months, you will embark on a journey with us that will cover areas around 4 main themes 

  •   Leading/challenging self 
  •   Leading Others 
  •   Leading Strategy 
  •   Leading and enabling positive change 

As one of 15 successful participants, you will be part of a bespoke programme designed to stimulate brilliance via the influence of experiential learning. The programme will require you to frame your thoughts and challenge yourself beforehand.

How to apply 

There are only 15 spaces available on this programme. The application process will involve you making a submission of an expression of interest which can either be written (no more than 700 words), via video (max 5 mins) or a via voice note (max 5 mins). The questions have been designed to enable you make a compelling case to demonstrate how you will benefit from the programme and how you aim to influence significant change in your organisation and the communities you serve. 

Please see the separate application form for further information on how to apply.

Proposed Programme Timetable 

Date                                                 Activity
29 OctCommencement of application process – candidates to submit expressions of interest.
12 NovClosing date for applications
15 NovCandidate selection

22 Nov  

22 Nov – 1 Dec 


Virtual Orientation - 90-minute online 

1:2:1 Consultations - These will be a 45–60-minute consultation meeting with one of our associates, to enable us to get to better know you, your role and your motivations for being on the programme.

7-8 Dec









Residential 1 – Amongst other activities, you will partake in the following workshops

Race: Let’s Have A Conversation – This will involve having interesting, challenging conversations with guest speakers who will tell their stories without apology, requiring you to listen without filters.

Becoming A More Inclusive Leader – This workshop will cover, the vital role of ethical principles such as fairness, honesty, integrity and respect; the spectrum of denying or optimising people’s potential; defining Allyship; understanding and exploring Privilege; and leveraging your privilege on behalf of others.

ACE - This workshop will introduce you to a disruptive model of leadership. The model is pivoted by three interdependent themes, Allyship, Challenge and Experiments and designed to provoke you into becoming a disruptor who creates change in your workplace.

27 JanCross Organisational Mentoring - Allyship is a key pillar of ACE and this will be reflected in our cross organisational mentoring programme. You will benefit from a mentor from another organisation and in turn, you the participant (mentee) will be required to mentor a mentee from another organisation.

WC 14 Feb

24 Feb


Cross Organisational Mentoring

Lunch and Learn – These will feature guest speakers who will present on specific topics

WC 7 March


17 March

24 March

Cross Organisational Mentoring (completion)


Equally Yours – We will introduce you to a transformative way to explore diversity and inclusion and combine playfulness with the power of conversation. Teams work together, shaping thoughts, sharing knowledge, and challenging each other to travel around the board, gaining points by responding to a range of questions and scenarios.

Lunch and Learn

WC 25 April


28 April

Cross Organisational Mentoring


Lunch and Learn

17-18 May

Residential 2 – Amongst other activities, you will partake in the following workshops

Situational Awareness - This workshop has been designed to enable you to increase awareness of what is around you, with regards to where you are, where you are supposed to be, and whether anyone or anything around you is a threat. 

Architects of Diverse Organisations - This strategic focused workshop has been designed to assist you to achieve a diverse and inclusive organisation by being honest about risks and challenges, and with the setting of goals and targets.

16 June


23 June

Lunch and Learn

Pause, Reflect and Go Again - You will use the power of storytelling to depict our 9-month journey together