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The Vision for Sport

The Vision for Sport in Wales is that everyone can have a lifetime enjoyment of sport. We want Wales to be an active nation with as many people as possible inspired to be active through sport.

And when we say everyone, that’s exactly what we mean. From people who don’t see themselves as sporty to people who win medals. Everybody.

We want a Wales where you can play sport at whatever stage of life you’re at, with diverse opportunities that fit in and around your lifestyle. 

But ultimately, sport needs to be fun and enjoyable so you keep coming back – time and time again. 

How it all started with The National Conversation

To keep the people of Wales at the very heart of what we do we carried out a National Conversation. We visited every part of the country to try and understand what people want from sport.

We gathered views and opinions through events, Twitter debates, an online questionnaire, workshops, meetings and 15 group conversations with under-represented groups who don’t think of themselves as sporty.

Pulling out themes and key points, we were able to start building the Vision of Sport in Wales. After all, this is not a Vision for our organisation and our staff. Its for the people of Wales and its future generations.

Our goals

We want to unleash the benefits of sport on everyone. That means we need to keep changing and evolving the way we do sport so that it is fit for today, for tomorrow and for future generations.

Talking of future generations, we believe that sport can contribute to the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act. Our Vision spells out how sport can help create a prosperous Wales, a resilient Wales, a healthier Wales, a more equal Wales, a Wales of cohesive communities, a Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language and a globally responsible Wales.

Sport has the power to do many things. It has the capacity to impact on Wales in a big way. We just need to work together to unleash its potential.

What is sport?

Our National Conversation raised a big question – what is sport? Our Vision sees sport as:

  • organised sport – that might be your after-school netball match, mountain biking on a Saturday or a gym session
  • a range of activities like walking, jogging or dance that sometimes is thought of as recreation

How you can be part of our shared Vision

There are many ways to be part of the Vision. As someone who takes part in sport, as a fan or a parent, a volunteer or a coach and being the best you can be.

Together, we can all share the Vision and play our part.


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