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What grants and funding are available from Sport Wales?

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  4. What grants and funding are available from Sport Wales?

Sport Wales has a number of grants and funding opportunities available for individuals, clubs and groups.

We have:

  • Grants for grassroots clubs and not-for-profit community groups
  • Grants for athletes
  • Grants for projects and programmes, such as capital funding for facilities

You will find detailed information on what’s available on our Funding and Support pages.

What grants and funding are available for community sport clubs and groups?

We have two funding opportunities available:

  1. Be Active Wales Fund. This is a grant of between £300 and £50,000 to help you get more people participating, or to help you keep people taking part at your club or activity into the future. 
  2. Crowdfunder. This is a match-funding opportunity for improvements you want to make at your club or activity that aren’t directly related to getting people playing or taking part. 

What grants and funding are available for athletes?

Sport Wales has two grants available for athletes:

  1. Talent Cymru. A grant which helps sportspeople with the cost of competing.To receive support through Talent Cymru, athletes must demonstrate that they have potential to join the UK Pathway system or meet the criteria required of Elite Cymru, ideally within two or three years.
  2. Elite Cymru. You must be invited to apply for Elite Cymru funding, which is administered though the athlete’s governing body. It covers individual athletes competing in non-Olympic & non-Paralympic sports (e.g. karate, motorsports), Commonwealth Games sports such as bowls, shooting and squash (2 years prior to the Games) or sports that medal on a world level such as golf.

What grants are available for projects and programmes?

Sport Wales provides different funding opportunities to meet challenges and issues for Welsh sport. We also distribute additional targeted funding given to us by Welsh Government or National Lottery.

For example, we provided grants for Private Providers (companies) and Freelancers during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Any open funding opportunities will be available through our funding and support pages.