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Team Wales athletes’ support for School Sport Survey

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Team Wales athletes have taken time out of their Commonwealth Games preparations to encourage young people across the country to complete the School Sport Survey 2022.

The national survey, which is run by Sport Wales, is filled out by children aged from 7 to 16 during school time and their views will be used to help shape the future of sport in Wales.

Not only will the results of the School Sport Survey paint a picture of which sports and activities children are currently taking part in both inside and outside of school, and how often, it will also uncover which sports and activities they’d like to have the opportunity to enjoy more of.

The survey closes on Friday 22 July.

Aled Sion Davies, a young man in a team wales uniform, smiling into the camera from the side with his arms crossed.
Sport is hugely important for developing so many different skills. I firmly believe that everyone has a hidden talent and that there’s an avenue out there for everyone through sport.
Paralympic superstar Aled Sion Davies

"The School Sport Survey aims to help all young people have more opportunities to find enjoyable activities that cater to them."

Welsh netball captain Nia Jones, who is also a PE teacher at Cathedral School in Cardiff, said: “Every Team Wales athlete would love to inspire kids to stay active for life. To help with this, it’s imperative that we spread the word about this survey so that young people’s voices can be heard. The survey takes just as much time to complete as a quarter of netball, so please get involved.”

This is the fifth time since 2011 that Sport Wales has conducted the survey into the activity habits of young people, and more than 60,000 pupils from hundreds of schools have already filled in this year’s survey since it opened at the end of March. 

Brian Davies, Sport Wales’ Acting CEO said: “This year’s survey will help us and our partners across sport, education and health to build on previous survey findings and continue working hard to provide opportunities that are focused on the needs and motivations of young people.

“By gathering and listening to their views, everyone involved in Welsh sport can learn more about what young people want, identify any gaps in provision in communities across the country, make more informed decisions about future resources, and have a better understanding of what support is needed to help remove any barriers that are preventing young people from taking part in sport.

“As always, we are extremely grateful for the huge amount of support that our partners, and local authority partners in particular, put into the delivery of the School Sport Survey.”

All schools in Wales were sent an email containing their own unique link to the School Sport Survey on Monday 28 March. If they no longer have the link, they can simply email [javascript protected email address] and ask for it to be re-sent.

Schools are also advised to check what they need to do in order to qualify for their own individual School Sport Survey Report. This report can then be used by the school to tailor their sport and wellbeing activities to better suit their pupils’ needs.

As an added incentive for schools to take part, every school that qualifies for their own individual report will also be entered into a prize draw to receive a visit from some Team Wales athletes following their exploits at the Commonwealth Games… hopefully with a few medals to show pupils! 

A wealth of resources is available online to help teachers guide their pupils through the survey. For further information, including an ‘explainer video’, please visit The results of the School Sport Survey will be published in the autumn.