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Sport and exercise during Ramadan

Advice from the Muslim Sports Foundation

It’s Ramadan – the Holy Month in the Islamic calendar! During this month, Muslims observe a period of fasting where they refrain from food and drink between the break of dawn and sunset.

Nutrition and hydration are important parts to participating in physical activity which is why fasting can have an impact. This doesn’t mean that the Muslim community stop taking part in sport and exercise throughout Ramadan. 

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, observed by the Muslim community around the world as a period of fasting, spiritual reflection, charity and prayer. It is a time of heightened religious devotion and introspection.

When does Ramadan take place?

This changes every year depending on the sighting of the new crescent moon. This year, Ramadan is from February 28th until March 30th. 

The end of Ramadan is marked by a festival called Eid al-Fitr, which is a time for prayer, celebration, family union and feast.

Why do Muslims fast during Ramadan?

The Muslim community believes that fasting during Ramadan helps them to increase in God consciousness and compassion for those in need.

Here is the advice of the Muslim Sports Foundation about delivering and taking part in sport and exercise during Ramadan.

How to adapt sport and exercise during Ramadan?

To ensure the Muslim community can continue to enjoy the benefits of sport and exercise during Ramadan, it is important to be aware of how to adjust sport and training.

  • Be sensitive and understanding - Coaches and teammates should be sensitive to the cultural and religious practices of participants during Ramadan. Wishing them “Ramadan Mubarak,” which means “Blessed Ramadan,” would mean a lot. It would also be kind to make adjustments for prayer times and provide a private space for participants to pray. This should be considered throughout the year, not just for Ramadan.
  • Modify intensity and duration - During Ramadan, the intensity and duration of physical activity should be adjusted. Coaches may need to modify their training sessions for their participants. This can help conserve energy and avoid dehydration.
  • Adjust the time of exercise - Where possible, training should take place during non-fasting hours to help maintain energy levels. If training is done during fasting hours, it should be lighter and less intense. It’s better these take place in the early morning after replenishing or late evening before refuelling.
  • Monitor health and wellbeing - During Ramadan, athletes may be more susceptible to dehydration, fatigue, and other health issues. Coaches and trainers should monitor the health and well-being of fasting athletes closely and ensure that they are not overexerting themselves.

At the Sport Wales National Centre, Foundation 4 Sports will be delivering a Ramadan programme, which includes female only sessions on Saturdays.

A batsman receives a bowl while a wicketkeeper waits behind the stumps.
Cricket Wales' midnight sessions last year

Taking part in sport and exercise during Ramadan

It can be challenging to maintain a regular routine of physical activity to stay healthy during Ramadan. Here are some things to consider for those observing the fast during the Holy Month. 

  • Take breaks and rest – Whether it’s training alone or competing as part of a team, there should be more breaks to rest and recover when exercising during the fast.
  • Get sufficient rest - It is essential to schedule adequate rest time during the fasting period to allow the body to recover. Due to late night prayers and fatigue, a power nap during afternoons can be very beneficial.
  • Eat healthy - When breaking the fast at sunset, there should be a focus on eating healthy, nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to keep your body fuelled for longer.
  • Stay hydrated - Drink enough water and consume sufficient electrolytes after sunset to stay hydrated throughout the day.
  • Seek medical advice – If a participant suffers with any medical condition, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before fasting to train during Ramadan.

Sport for Muslim women

It’s important to consider the needs of Muslim women and girls participating in sport, not just during Ramadan, but throughout the year.

More than 140 Muslim women responded to a survey from Foundation 4 Sports to understand how to shape activities during the Ramadan sessions. 

When planning sport activities for Muslim women and girls, lessons can be learned from the survey and advice obtained from the Muslim Sports Foundation.

Things to consider

Creating an environment where Muslim women feel safe and comfortable when taking part in sport and exercise will increase the likelihood of participation. Here are some suggestions.

1. Segregation

Most Muslim women will prefer to take part in sport in a female only environment. While some sporting activities across the sport sector are open to females, having sessions exclusively for women and girls allows participants to exercise in clothes that they are more comfortable in while protecting their modesty at the same time. 

2. Female Coaches

Coaches or facilitators in female only sessions for the Muslim community should also be women and girls. Muslim women, wearing clothing better suited for exercising, will feel more comfortable engaging with and participating in front of female coaches.

Sisters and football referees, Eleeza and Rosheena Khan will be some of the female coaches running the Ramadan sessions for women at the National Centre this year.

3. Communicate 

Don’t just assume how Muslim women would prefer to participate in sport – speak to them and understand their needs. Ask about what sports they’d like to try, the best times for sessions and if there is anything stopping them attending, such as transport.

Foundation 4 Sports conducted a survey to understand the preferences of Muslim women and girls in Cardiff ahead of the female only Ramadan sessions at the Sport Wales National Centre.  The insight informed the activities, scheduling, staffing and environmental preparations for sessions available to women and girls. 


Diolch to the Muslim Sports Foundation for offering this advice and information for community clubs and for sport participants in Wales during Ramadan.

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