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How restarting sport in Wales works.

Sport & exercise is a big part of life for people in Wales.

Half of adults take part at least once a week. Half of children are active 3+ times a week.
But things aren’t normal.

So, what work has been done to get people playing?


1. In lockdown, people were encouraged to be active & exercise once a day, highlighting the physical and mental health benefits.

Homes even became gyms! Read More.


2. We found that lots of people were able to keep active….and even do more than before.

While some people did less, particularly young people. Read More.


3. People found different, creative ways to be active and keep their clubs open and sustainable. Read More.


4. We set up an emergency grant to help community clubs deal with the financial consequences of lockdown. Read More.


5. The sports sector in Wales set about coming together to help sport restart safely as much as possible.

One group looking at outdoor sport. Read More.


6. Another at getting Elite sport started as much as possible.

Always focused on safety and within government guidelines. Read More.


7. And a third group looking at indoor sport…

Providing access to facilities with the highest of hygiene and safety standards. Read More.


8. £4million of funding was put in place to help Protect and Prepare sport to restart.

The #BeActiveWales fund is available now for applications. Read More.


9. It meant we got to meet our friends again, our team-mates. 

It’s been different, but lots of us have tried the sport we love again.

Even test events. Read More.


10. Sport has made progress.

We meet regularly as a sector, as well as with officials from Welsh Government. We provide advice and support.

But we realise the Virus is at a balancing point.

We must protect what we have.

We can Be Active….but we must also be safe and responsible.

We can’t risk sport losing the progress we’ve made.

We’ve come so far. Read More.


11. We want to keep protecting sport, preparing more activities to restart and help build back as much as we can

We’ve been given £14m form Welsh Government to helps us do it. Read More.


12. Working as a team is what we do best in sport.

If you need more on the latest guidelines, visit our website.

#BeActiveWales #KeepWalesSafe.