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Goals for your sports club in 2024

Every year, we see sports coaches and volunteers across Wales taking steps to grow, diversify and develop their clubs.

We want to be sure that every person in Wales has the opportunity and ability to be active and last year we supported some brilliant projects that helped to do just that. We wanted to share some of these with you, so you can take inspiration for your club in 2024.

Adapt your sessions for people’s different needs

According to the most recent National Survey for Wales, nearly a million people in Wales are not taking part in regular sport or physical activity. 

There’s lots of reasons someone might not want to take part, and we know that participation levels are still below average for women, disabled adults and those living in material deprivation.

Your club can make sessions more inclusive for people who are experiencing barriers to sport by adapting your sessions to meet their needs. Here are a few of our favourite examples: 

Four members of the ladies veterans club playing bowls on the green.
Veterans ladies playing bowls at Rhiwbina Bowls Club

Become more environmentally sustainable

Did heatwaves or heavy rain stop your club playing last year? As the weather becomes more unpredictable, it’s more important than ever that we protect our sporting environments from the effects of climate change. 

Recently, Sport Wales teamed up with the British Association for Sustainable Sport to offer clubs and community projects resources to support them in becoming more environmentally friendly.Making changes at your club will not only be good for the environment but can also save you money on your energy bills. Win win!

So this year, why not check out our top tips to becoming a more environmentally sustainable sports club and find out where to recycle your old sports kit so your club can start giving back to the planet.

Browse the resources.

Speak more Welsh

Siarad Cymraeg?

Over 500,000 people in Wales speak Welsh, so offering Welsh language sessions, or even just including Welsh words in your day-to-day activities, can go a long way in helping Welsh speakers feel comfortable at your club.

Paving the way are Llewod Lambed Netball Club. With 75% of members speaking Welsh, they offer netball – or pêl-rwyd – in both Welsh and English, meaning that local players can access the sport in their first language. 

It’s really easy to start usingmore Welsh in your sessions with the Welsh Language Commissioner’s guide to using the Welsh language in sport. Cer amdani! Give it a go!

A girl lines up a shot at goal in netball
Players at Llewod Lambed netball club

Aim for Committee Diversity

Making sure the people on your committee are from different backgrounds is just as important as ensuring they have different skillsets or expertise. If your committee members share the same gender, age and race, you risk having common viewpoints which aren’t reflective of your club or your community.

A club member could feel encouraged and have more trust in a board that has representatives from the same background as them. Different viewpoints and perspectives can challenge a sports club to improve and become more inclusive.

Making sure that your club’s board represents people from all backgrounds is not only great for your club members, but also for getting more people in your community involved.

When you’re recruiting for committee members, it’s important to make sure that you’re considering:

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Religion
  • Disability
  • Socioeconomic background

And don’t forget to get members of the club involved, too!

Find out more about committees.

Get funding for your club

One of the ways we’re able to support clubs with these changes is through funding. Whether 2024 is the year that you upgrade your clubhouse, or the year you start a new group at your club, we can help. 

The Be Active Wales Fund offers grants to clubs that are looking to improve sport participation in their area, and our A Place for Sport Fund can help you secure match-funding for off-field improvements that you are Crowdfunding to raise money for!

Find out more about our funds below.

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