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Celebrating the 30,000th project to receive National Lottery funding from Sport Wales

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A wheelchair rugby club in Mid Wales has become the 30,000th project to be awarded National Lottery funding from Sport Wales.

Since 1994, millions of pounds have been given to sports clubs, community groups and organisations across Wales. And fittingly, as the National Lottery celebrates its 30th Birthday, Sport Wales has just awarded the 30,000th grant to Scarlets & Aberystwyth Wheelchair Rugby Club.

Scarlets & Aberystwyth Wheelchair Rugby Club received £37,589 to answer demand for more opportunities and access to disability sport in rural Mid Wales.

Mark Baines, Welsh Development Officer of GB Wheelchair Rugby and founder of the new club said:

"It's harder for people in rural Wales to access sport. We want to provide those people with the same opportunities.

"We’re really grateful for this funding from Sport Wales as it has enabled us to buy 10 wheelchairs suitable for wheelchair rugby as well as other essential equipment.

“A huge thank you and happy birthday to the National Lottery – we’re honoured to be the 30,000th project to receive lottery funding via Sport Wales.” 

Members of Scarlets & Aberystwyth Wheelchair Rugby Club create the number 30,000. Club members form a number three while the wheels of wheelchairs make the zeroes.
Scarlets & Aberystwyth Wheelchair Rugby Club celebrate being the 30,000th project to receive Lottery funding from Sport Wales

How will National Lottery funding be used?

Scarlets & Aberystwyth Wheelchair Rugby were awarded funding by Sport Wales because of their work creating an inclusive environment and removing barriers for children and adults with disabilities to participate in sport and be active.

The club received National Lottery funding for:

  • Rugby Wheelchairs – Access to rugby wheelchairs can be a barrier to taking part. The club received funding to purchase 10 ‘club chairs’ to break down these barriers and encourage more participation without the worries of participants having to buy their own.
  • Other equipment - Extra equipment such as gloves, balls, cones and bibs have been funded to ensure there is enough equipment to accommodate current participants and future growth at the club.
  • Coach development – Volunteers at the club will undergo Level 2 coaching qualifications to be able to deliver sessions and sustain the new club.
  • Venue hire – The new club received funding for 2-hour weekly training sessions to help them get up and running. This funding is provided for new clubs only.

How are Scarlets & Aberystwyth Wheelchair Rugby Club making a difference in the community?

With a successful club already established in Wrexham, the Scarlets Community Foundation wanted to spread their impact further. Now, thanks to National Lottery players, there are opportunities for disabled people in other parts of the Scarlets' region to enjoy wheelchair rugby as the new club will offer sessions at Aberystwyth University and Bro Ddyfi Leisure Centre in Machynlleth. 

Mark Baines, Welsh Development Officer of GB Wheelchair Rugby added:

"We want to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for people to play sport and be active, and that's what's most important. Everyone must enjoy sport to get the most out of it, regardless of the level." 

Members of Scarlets & Aberystwyth Wheelchair Rugby Club laughing and smiling.

Community Links and Support 

The National Lottery is just one of many organisations that have played a part in getting the people of Mid Wales scoring tries.

Community links and support from local organisations has also had a helping hand in setting up the new club. To facilitate the sessions at Bro Ddyfi Leisure Centre, Freedom Leisure has matched the funding of 10 x two-hour training sessions from the National Lottery. 

The Scarlets Rugby Community Foundation also hits the road to introduce new people to the sport. From taster sessions to school sessions across the region, their aim is to encourage more people to play wheelchair rugby regularly.


What’s Next?

The club’s plans don’t stop here! Their next goals are to train coaches and volunteers and form a committee. Allowing the club to be sustainable is of utmost importance.

However, the ultimate goal is to set up more clubs in areas of Wales where sport is harder to access. Everyone involved with Scarlets & Aberystwyth Wheelchair Rugby Club is passionate about growing the sport in the area and getting more people to enjoy its benefits.

In the past 30 years, 30,000 sports projects have been getting more people active in Wales, thanks to National Lottery players. And now, Sport Wales is looking forward to the next 30 years where thousands more clubs and organisations, like Scarlets & Aberystwyth Wheelchair Club, can continue to use National Lottery funding to provide more sporting opportunities across the nation.

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