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What will the Be Active Wales Fund and Crowdfunder support?

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  3. What will the Be Active Wales Fund and Crowdfunder support?

The two community grants available from Sport Wales pledge to support ‘on field’ and ‘off field’ activity.

But, what does that mean in reality?

This short guide will explain some of the areas of support and items that could form part of your application.

 Be Active Wales FundA Place for Sport: Crowdfunder
About the Funding:A grant to help progress community sport to the next level.  Priority is given to applications that directly impact sport participation ‘on-field’.

An opportunity for community sport organisations to raise money for capital (‘off-field’) works, supported by Sport Wales match-funding.

Sport Wales match funding will be between 30% - 50% of aproject’s target total.  The exact percentage will be determined once an application has been submitted.

What will Sport Wales support?

As a guide only:

  • Coach education up to Level 2
  • Upskilling of volunteers – including courses to cover an identified need
  • Referee/Umpires/Officiating courses where justified
  • Equipment for more people to take part in sport
  • Approaches that target specific underrepresented groups
  • Innovative solutions to get people active.
  • New clubs, teams or organisations that need set-up equipment/resources
  • Floodlights for training and matches where justified
  • Match day items which ensure the sport takes place
  • Pitch improvements/drainage
  • Venue hire (for new teams only) capped at 2hrs/week for 10 weeks

Community sport organisations looking to raise money for ‘off-field’ improvements. For example: 

  • Changing rooms
  • Clubhouse renovations
  • Improved kitchen facilities
  • Storage/Bike Racks
  • Lifts and ramps for disability access
  • Solar panels
  • Generators
  • Boilers/Heating
  • New fencing
  • Technology relating to at least one of the fund priorities.  Examples include:
    - CCTV cameras (economic sustainability)
    - Cameras/TV’s/Laptops for performance analysis (improving off field experience)
  • Websites/booking systems
  • Adaptations to car parks, paths, and stands for public access/spectators
Key Principles/Priorities:

Applications will need to align to at least one of the following three priorities:

  • Addressing inequalities
  • Long-term sustainability
  • Innovation

Applications will need to align to at least one of the following three priorities:


  • Improve the ‘off field’ experience
  • Provide economic sustainability
  • Environmentally friendly

Funding Awards

A minimum award is £300, whilst a maximum award is £50,000.  Funding is awarded on a sliding scale.

  • Up to 100% grant: for awards up to £10,000
  • Up to 90% grant: for awards between 
    £10,001 and £25,000
  • Up to 80% grant: for awards between £25,001 and £50,000


Provided applications align to certain criteria, Sport Wales will match fund between 30% and 50% of a project’s target total, up to a maximum of £15,000 match-funding.

  • 30%: If a project is likely to gain support on Crowdfunder.
  • 40%: If a project demonstrates how it intends to support tackling inequalities.
  • 50%: If a project is based in one of the most deprived areas of Wales, as identified by Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation data.