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Our approach to partner investment

In order to achieve the Vision for Sport in Wales, and to ensure that public funds are used to create maximum impact among those who need them most, Sport Wales has a bold investment approach.

Introduction to funding

Our approach to funding has been developed following engagement with partners and key stakeholders, building on the feedback and collective research of different investment models from across the world.

Our investment approach aims to give:

  • Transparency: making it clear for all to see how and why we fund partners the way we do.
  • Greater autonomy: trusting that partners are best placed to make decisions within their own areas.
  • Increased accountability: enabling partners to take more control of their own development.
  • Flexibility: allowing us and our partners to take advantage of the opportunities that arise.

Our approach to funding is underpinned by a focus on learning, utilising insight and developing mutual trust with our partners. This approach consists of three key components:

  1. Capability
  2. Insight, information and data
  3. Accountability

All of these components will determine overall funding for partners.