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Insight, Information and Data

The use of insight, information and data plays an integral role in determining partner funding.

The Approaches

Data-driven or Principles-driven

Our investment approach uses two approaches through which a partner can potentially receive funding.

An objective data-driven approach is used where official statistics and national data is used for a partner.  This generally applies to National Governing Bodies and Sport Partnerships. A principles-driven approach is used for partners where official statistics and national data is unavailable.  This generally applies to National Partners.

The data-driven and principles-driven approaches determine the maximum level of funding that is available for an organisation with the Capability and Accountability components determining the actual level of investment.

Data-driven investment

Objective criteria, based on national surveys, official statistics and performance data are used to allocate investment to National Governing Bodies and Sport Partnerships.

This enables a transparent and objective approach to investment and reduces the bureaucratic burden on partners to provide data and evidence to Sport Wales.

The criteria are split into participation and performance elements, with an overall funding score for each National Governing Body established when the two sections are brought together.  Separate criteria are used to determine the funding for Sport Partnerships, based on population, socio-economic and environmental factors. A full breakdown of the data that is used is shown in the Resources section. 

Principles-driven investment

Where we cannot obtain national level statistics for a partner, we use a principles-driven approach to determine a level of investment.  Utilising a set of principles that define the foundations for creating a more inclusive sport system, this approach distributes funding among organisations who support the development of opportunities for under-represented groups and use their insight and expertise to strategically support other organisations in the Welsh sport sector.

A framework consisting of the following 3 principles is utilised to support funding decisions:

  • Creating an Equal, Diverse and Inclusive sport sector
  • Enhancing Welsh sport
  • Capacity of an organisation

The framework prioritises the organisations who are seen to be able to make the biggest impact against the Vision for Sport in Wales. 

The principles-driven approach to investment looks to allocate investment into a range of partners to ensure that resource and expertise can be focused on the full range of underrepresented groups in Wales.  Those partners are not necessarily traditional sport organisations or providers, and often work across multiple sectors.


There are currently some partners to whom neither of these two approaches can be applied. A longer-term plan of how to invest in these partners is being explored.