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We have a responsibility to ensure that public money is invested appropriately.

The capability component ensures that we can have confidence in the organisations that we fund and it enables us to support partners with their continuous governance improvement.

Capability Framework

Developed with partners, the CAPABILITY FRAMEWORK aims to support organisations with their continuous improvement, while ensuring that public money is invested responsibly. The Capability Framework – which is aligned to the Governance and Leadership Framework for Wales (GLFW) 2019 – is built around key governance areas and focuses on the importance of behaviours, ethics and integrity within an organisation.

The Capability Framework takes a risk-based approach with headline principles tailored to offer bespoke and proportionate support which is relevant to organisations of all sizes.

Essential and minimum requirements

The Capability Framework allows us to take more of a risk-based approach to funding by requiring funded organisations to meet a collection of essential and minimum requirements which align to the Governance and Leadership Framework for Wales (GLFW) 2019.

Each partner accessing Sport Wales investment, is required to complete a self-assessment against the Capability Framework requirements relevant to the level of investment offered. 

The requirements cover key governance areas including: Board Composition; Leadership; Ethics and Integrity; Risk and Finance. 

Capability Reviews

Targeted capability reviews take place throughout the year with each partner receiving a review at least once in a four-year cycle.

The reviews complement an organisation’s self-assessment and aim to support their continuous improvement, so that they are best prepared to achieve their potential.

Capability reviews support the Framework’s risk-based approach, with a focus on hard governance (e.g., policies and procedures) and soft governance (e.g. values and behaviours).

Future of Capability Framework

Our approach to capability will evolve as necessary to ensure that public money is invested responsibly, and partners are supported to continuously improve.  We are committed to working with partners in progressing this approach.