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Energy Saving Grant - FAQ's

What's the application process?

  1. The fund will go live at 8am on Wednesday May 22nd, 2024.
  2. Initial Stage 1 submissions can be completed online.
  3. This Stage 1 window will remain open for applicants for 6 weeks, closing 4pm 26th of June 2024.
  4. An assessment panel, consisting of Sport Wales investment staff with outside external expertise, will assess the expressions of interests, prioritising those determined to have the biggest environmental impact based on the Stage 1 form.
  5. All applicants should anticipate a decision on their Stage 1 applications by mid-July.
  6. Applicants taken forward to Stage 2 would then be required to undertake an energy survey.
  7. The survey and second stage application would then be required to be submitted by 2nd of October 2024.
  8. Applications will then be evaluated with decisions and offer letters communicated through October and/or November.
  9. Unsuccessful stage 2 applicants will be reimbursed 50% of any survey costs.

Will applicants need to provide any financial contribution?

All successful applicants will be required to contribute a minimum 20%. As part of the Stage 2 process applicants will need to pay for a survey energy, the cost of which can be included as part of the applicant contribution. 

How will projects be prioritised?

A range of considerations will determine the prioritisation. We will be seeking to ensure the funding has the biggest impact, which may take into account the use of the facility, the numbers who use the facility, the potential for energy efficiencies including the age and location of the facility. In addition, we will also look at the feasibility of work being completed within required timescales and budgets. 

What details do we need to provide?

At Stage 1 details of the applicant will be required, specifically any eligibility including ownership of the freehold or a sufficient existing leasehold (minimum 7 years remaining at time of application). 

Whilst quotes are not essential at this stage, an outline of the project, an informed cost estimate and responses to other questions will provide a guide to its potential success. 

Will applicants need a survey?

It is anticipated that all applicants will need a survey if the initial Stage 1 application is taken forward to a stage 2 process. We will inform applicants who are successful at the appropriate time prior to this being required. 

There may be some exceptions, such as if the application is centred on internal LED lighting only, or if a comparable survey has been completed prior to the application and can be provided as evidence. However, even in the case of internal LED lighting only, there may be merit in undertaking an energy survey.

What if the survey is unsuccessful?

We anticipate that even if the survey findings result in the initial project specification being rejected it may provide details on other energy efficiencies that could be funded. 

However, in the event there is no scope to fund work through this avenue Sport Wales will repay 50% of the survey costs to the applicant.

When will we find out if we are successful?

Those who are successful at Stage 1 will be informed by mid-July. Final decisions after the Stage 2 process can expect confirmation in October and November, subject to any survey delays.