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Organising Events

Running a sports club often means you will be called upon to organise events. Events can range from a small coach education workshop to an open evening for new members, tournaments for local clubs to regional or national championships.

With a spot of planning and the right people on board, events can help spread the word to potential new members or sponsors, raise funds and strengthen links with schools and the local community.

Use our checklist to help you cover the basics:

First steps

  • Decide what you want to achieve by staging the event – it will help you make decisions such as who to invite and whether the event needs to generate income
  • If necessary, pull together an event committee and appoint an event coordinator
  • Draft a financial plan
  • Check event protocols by contacting your local sports development team and your governing body of sport in advance
  • Work out when is best to stage your event - check it doesn’t clash with other events and make sure you have enough planning time
  • Where is the most suitable venue? What facilities do you need? How many people does it need to accommodate? Do you require parking?
  • Work out the different roles required and enlist volunteers. Do you need to recruit people from outside the club? Is training required?
  • If you need to hire audiovisual equipment, catering, stewarding or security, book in advance

Promoting your event

  • Make a list of people to invite and provide plenty of advance notice (don’t forget decision makers such as local councillors)
  • Make sure all guests have a map/directions plus contact details for further information
  • To promote your event, try generating media coverage and using social media. Creating an event page on Facebook is a great way to spread the word.
  • Arrange clear and visible signage and literature.

Assessing risk

Final touches

  • Set out a running order to help keep to time
  • Brief your volunteers so they know what is required of them – remember to cover your emergency action plan
  • If you have invited journalists and VIPs, be there to meet them
  • Make sure all guests have a warm welcome and a great experience of your club
  • Remember to update social media channels throughout the day to help promote the club
  • At the end of the event, thank everyone involved – clubs, parents, volunteers, participants and so on
  • After the event, set time aside to evaluate your event – a quick online or paper survey will help highlight what went well and would could be improved next time


Major Event Best Practice Guidance

Also, why not check out the experiences of the #extramilers volunteers from the 2016 World Half Marathon Championships held in Cardiff.