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Valuing People

We all like a thank you from time to time. And the people in our club are no different. We’ve all got other commitments so it is important we show our appreciation to our loyal helpers and supporters.

In fact, there’s evidence to suggest that the main reason people stop volunteering is because they don’t feel supported or appreciated.

Showing someone you care doesn’t need to be a grand gesture. It can be as simple as saying thanks to the coach at the end of each training session or the committee at the AGM. Do you thank parents for bringing their children along to a game?

However you choose to say thank you, remember to help make sure your coaches, officials, volunteers, parents and players all feel appreciated, ensuring they stay involved with the club for the foreseeable future.

Other ways to show appreciation

  • Has someone volunteered with you for a number of years? On a big anniversary year, why not write an article about them for the local newspaper or your website
  • You can thank people (and don’t forget parents and players) on your social media feeds from time to time. Why not start up volunteer or player of the week or month so someone gets a special mention? Promote it on your noticeboard too
  • Nominate volunteers for a local or national award
  • Show an interest in how they’re getting on and give praise for their efforts
  • Formally recognise the people in your club at committee meetings and presentations
  • Organise an awards night
  • Send birthday and Christmas cards
  • Write a ‘day in the life of your club secretary’ for the Club Handbook
  • Buy some new equipment and provide club kit
  • Provide deals on club membership for volunteers
  • Pay for your volunteers to attend training events
  • If you get any free tickets to events, put them in a draw for volunteers
  • Mention people in a club newsletter
  • Listen to their ideas and implement their suggestions where possible
  • Organise social events
  • Simply say thank you!

A culture of appreciation

It’s important to reward and recognise all the different people that are instrumental to your club – whether it is the members, the coaches, the volunteers or the parents. It is also important that club members understand the impact that volunteers have on your club. By making a commitment to recognise your volunteers, you will help to create a culture of appreciation within your club.

Most volunteers take pleasure from volunteering but we all like to be treated well and thanked when we give our time for free. Rewarding volunteers is an essential part of retaining your club's workforce - it can't be left to chance!