The Treasurer is a key role with responsibility for managing the club’s accounts and finances.
What you’ll get out of it
- Sense of self achievement, fulfilment and giving back
- A key role within your community
- Meeting lots of people from different backgrounds
- Potential career development / improved employability
- Potential of new training and qualifications
- In a role where you can help improve the club’s financial position
Who will I be responsible to?
- The Chairperson
Who will I be responsible for?
- Match / training fees collector/s and the club’s fundraising secretary
Ideally, you’ll need to be
- Well organised – able to keep up to date financial records
- Meticulous when handling money and cheques
- Scrupulously honest
- Able to answer questions of a financial nature in meetings
What you will do
- To look after the finances of the club
- Keep detailed written records of all accounts and make sure that the club operates within the annual budget
- Attend the Committee meetings and AGM
- Hold a bank account in the name of the club
- Act as a primary signatory on the club account (and appoint three others as agreed by the Club Committee)
- Prepare annual balance and profit & loss sheets for AGM
- Collecting subscriptions and all money due to the organisation
- Affiliating the club to the NGB and to the league(s) and working with the Secretary to register players
- Keeping up date records of all financial transactions
- Ensuring that all cash and cheques are promptly deposited in the bank
- Paying bills and recording information, ensuring that funds are spent properly
- Issuing receipts for all money received and recording this information
- Reporting regularly to the committee and at AGM on the club’s financial position
- Preparing and arranging for year-end statement of accounts to be audited
- Helping to prepare and submit any statutory documents that are required (e.g. VAT returns, PAYE and NI returns, grant aid reports)
- Even if these duties are delegated to a professional officer, the Treasurer is still ultimately responsible. It is up to the Treasurer to make sure that any delegated work is done properly.
How much time will it take?
- Approximately 2-3 hours per week, though this will depend on the nature of your sports club/organisation.