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The Welfare Officer of any club is a very important role. The job is to assist with the safeguarding and protecting of children, young people and vulnerable adults.

What you’ll get out of it

  • Sense of giving back
  • Contribution to the safeguarding and protecting of children, young people and vulnerable adults
  • Meeting lots of people from different backgrounds
  • A chance to develop skills
  • Potential career development / improved employability
  • Potential of new training and qualifications

Who will I be responsible to?  

  • The Chairperson

Who will I be responsible for? 

  • All club members under 18 (including players, referees/umpires, volunteers and coaches). It is the responsibility of all clubs providing sport for children and young people under 18 years of age to have a nominated Club Welfare Officer.

Ideally, you’ll need knowledge of

  • National Governing Body’s Child Welfare Policy & Procedures
  • Core legislation, government guidance and national framework for child protection
  • Roles and responsibilities of local statutory agencies (social services, police and Area Child Protection Committees)
  • Role and responsibilities of both the National Governing Body and the club in safeguarding the welfare of children and young people and the boundaries of the club welfare officer role
  • Awareness of equalities issues and child protection

You will also need

  • Basic administration skills
  • Ability to maintain records
  • Ability to provide basic guidance
  • A child focussed approach
  • Good communication skills.

What you will do

  • Assist the club to fulfil its responsibilities to safeguard children and young people
  • Assist the club to implement the child welfare section (including training) of the development plan (link to development plan page in Organising and Governance)
  • To be the first point of contact for staff, volunteers, parents and children/young people where concerns about children’s welfare, poor practice or child abuse are identified
  • Be the first point of contact with the Child Welfare Officer at your National Governing Body
  • Implement the National Governing Body’s reporting and recording procedures
  • Maintain contact details for local social services, police and the Area Child Protection Committee
  • Promote the National Governing Body’s best practice guidance/code of ethics and behaviour within the club and anti-discriminatory practice
  • Ensure confidentiality is maintained

How much time will it take?

  • Approximately 2-3 hours per week, though this will depend on the nature of your sports club/organisation.