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Club Roles


The Chair of any organisation is a crucial role and this is certainly true of any sports club. It’s the position that is at the helm of the club and steers its future direction.

Club Secretary 

The Club Secretary is a pivotal role. It is the central point of club administration, handling all club correspondence. It is a high profile role that has a major impact on the efficient and effective management of the club.

Club Welfare Officer 

The Welfare Officer of any club is a very important role. The job is to assist with the safeguarding and protecting of children, young people and vulnerable adults.

Fundraising Officer 

A fundraising officer oversees a club’s fundraising strategy. A club often requires additional funds, especially if it is saving up for a new project or setting a new team or a junior section. The role often spans organising fun, social events to completing grant application forms to negotiating sponsorship deals with local businesses.

Marketing Officer 

This position may have other names such as Promotions Officer or Press Officer. The position is an important one because it promotes the activities of the club with the aim of increasing membership, raising income or improving the club’s reputation.


The Treasurer is a key role with responsibility for managing the club’s accounts and finances.

Volunteer Coordinator

The volunteer coordinator is a vital role in any club. You must understand that volunteers join the club for many different reasons, so you must make your club as appealing as possible.

Youth Representative 

A Youth Representative is a crucial role for any club. It means that the Club Committee gain genuine feedback from a young perspective and from its junior members. A Youth Representative also encourages junior members to become young leaders in the club; training and giving them responsibilities to assist in coaching and club events.

Equity Officer

The purpose of an equity officer is to ensure that equity, equality and equal opportunity is established, maintained and fostered throughout the club.