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Conflicts of Interest

Conflicts of interest often arise - and it’s important to remember that having a conflict doesn’t always mean you have done something wrong.

But you do need to manage these conflicts so you can prevent them from interfering with your ability to make a decision only in the best interests of the club.

To give you an idea, the types of conflicts are:

  • You could benefit financially or otherwise from your club, either directly or indirectly through someone you’re connected to
  • Your duty to your club competes with a duty or loyalty you have to another organisation or person

For more information on the types of conflicts that typically arise and guidance on how to manage these situations, please visit the Sports and Recreation website.

In order to limit the possibility of conflicts of interest, it’s a good idea to have a policy in place. You can download our template conflict of interest policy here – just remember it’s only a guide. Please make sure you tailor it to meet the needs of your club.