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To tick off every single goal on your list can be difficult as a club on your own, and successful clubs know that links with other organisations are vital.

Here are some considerations to get you started:

  • If your club isn’t linked to your National Governing Body then you should consider affiliation as it means the club may be able to access additional support and resources
  • It’s always a good idea to form positive relationships with your local sports development team and local schools to promote your club and attract new members
  • It’s also worth thinking about forming a relationship, whether it’s formal or informal, with other clubs in your area. They may belong to the same sport or they may not. You can share resources, best practice and member benefits. This could even stretch to clubs further afield
  • Joining forces with another club might mean you can broaden what’s on offer to members and to broaden your membership base?
  • You might be more able to set up multiple teams/groups to cater for both adults and juniors and all ability groups if you partner with another club?
  • Working together with clubs from different sports to support the development of multi-sport activities within your club?
  • Who can you partner with to help with the recruitment, retention and support of volunteers? Could you work in partnership with a local college?
  • If you want to create an environment that welcomes a diverse membership, do you need to bring a partner (Disability Sport Wales, LGBT Sport Cymru, Diverse Cymru) on board to help you?
  • Clubs can work together to increase the numbers of people wanting to take part in a sport.
  • Contacting and bringing together your National Governing Body and Local Sports Development team to see how they could jointly support your club?

Partnerships can be highly successful but they can just as easily break down. There are some great tips on how to make a partnership work on the Sport England website.