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Club Development Plan

A Club Development Plan explains where the club wants to be in the future. It outlines the club’s aims, how these aims will be achieved and by when.

It should be a document that is easy to read so the top tip is to keep it short, simple and crystal clear.

Why should we bother?

A development plan can help focus activity. It’s easy in the busy day-to-day running of a club to lose track of the bigger picture. It can help communicate your future plans to the wider membership and gain their support. 

They are often required as part of larger grant applications too.

It’s written. What next?

Monitor, review and amend as your club continues to grow and develop. 

The plan could be an agenda item at your AGM so members are able to understand plans and voice their opinions.

You might also be interested in drafting a business plan or a Club Strategic Plan.